RFR: 8008707: build-infra: Closed (deploy) can't be built using environment from SDK SetEnv.cmd

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Mon Jun 10 15:31:12 UTC 2013

Currently, if both Visual Studio and the Windows SDK are installed on a 
system, configure will favor the sdk as the source for a build 
environment. This works equally well for OpenJDK, but not for OracleJDK. 
Using the Windows SDK also isn't the officially supported way of 
building. This patch changes the search order for a proper build 
environment, placing Visual Studio ahead of the SDK.

While making sure that this would still work with the open and the 
limited support for Visual Studio Express that exist today, I also did 
some improvements on looking for msvcr100.dll. The one in 
windows\system32 is only considered for 32bit builds as it seems to 
always be 32bit. For 64bit builds I added the one installed with the 
Visual Studio debugger for 64bit.

Hopefully this will relieve some of the pain when trying to build on 



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