RFR: 8008707: build-infra: Closed (deploy) can't be built using environment from SDK SetEnv.cmd

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Tue Jun 11 06:33:22 UTC 2013


> Currently, if both Visual Studio and the Windows SDK are installed on 
> a system, configure will favor the sdk as the source for a build 
> environment. This works equally well for OpenJDK, but not for 
> OracleJDK. Using the Windows SDK also isn't the officially supported 
> way of building. This patch changes the search order for a proper 
> build environment, placing Visual Studio ahead of the SDK.
> While making sure that this would still work with the open and the 
> limited support for Visual Studio Express that exist today, I also did 
> some improvements on looking for msvcr100.dll. The one in 
> windows\system32 is only considered for 32bit builds as it seems to 
> always be 32bit. For 64bit builds I added the one installed with the 
> Visual Studio debugger for 64bit.
> Hopefully this will relieve some of the pain when trying to build on 
> Windows.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8008707/webrev.root.01

Looks good to me.


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