RFR: 8016780: (xs) README-builds.html misses crucial requirement on bootstrap JDK

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Jun 19 10:30:09 UTC 2013

On 19/06/2013 09:01, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> :
> My preferred solution would be to fold in the repos that aren't 
> upstream projects into jdk and just have them compile with the rest 
> there. I much like the idea of reducing the number of repos. If that 
> isn't possible, we can just add those source directories to the main 
> javac invocation in jdk too.
I think the repo structure does need to be re-examined. While I don't 
think we want a repository per module, I do think we should at least 
consider the implication of having the code organized by modules. Also 
one of the benefits of the ongoing efforts to remove dependencies from 
the "core" on other areas is that it opens up the possibility of other 
structures (I've heard Jon suggest a "core" repository for the core 
language and runtime for example).

In any case, I think a first step is to move the build of the jaxws 
repository to later in the build. It's an upstream project and nothing 
in the JDK should have any dependencies on the code in that repository. 
Note to self: test moving JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ/JAF from rt.jar to the 
extensions directory and see what comes out of the woodwork.

I'm not sure what to say about the corba repository. There is sad 
history and what we have in OpenJDK is essentially a fork of the CORBA 
code that is in Glassfish. There have been suggestions over the years to 
bring the code together but I don't know whether this is possible now 
(or even it is worth it).


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