RFR: 8016780: (xs) README-builds.html misses crucial requirement on bootstrap JDK

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Wed Jun 19 14:09:12 UTC 2013

I'm not sure how big a warning needs to be to make people aware of it. 
Is it possible to create another configure option like 
--yes-i-do-want-to-use-n that you must add to set boot jdk to 8?


On 6/19/2013 5:23 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> On 19/06/2013 09:01, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> On 2013-06-19 03:10, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>> --
>>> I have half a mind to look at the Configure changes myself in my spare
>>> time (ha!), but I have no spare time, and I don't have the expertise
>>> in this area anyway. So anyone is welcome to pick this up. In
>>> principle it should be fairly simple, and I think it's fairly
>>> important. This isn't the first time someone's been bitten by having
>>> the wrong boot JDK version, and it won't be the last.
>> Currently, configure checks that the found boot jdk is 7 or 8. Do we
>> really want to actively prevent using 8 all together? I could agree to
>> printing a big warning in the summary at the end of configure to
>> discourage it, but I do believe it necessary to have the ability to
>> build with 8 for tracking down certain bugs.
> +1
> -Chris.

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