Preserving changeset authorship (was Re: PING: [PATCH] Enable debug info on all libraries for OpenJDK builds)

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Wed May 15 15:31:43 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> On 11/05/2013 2:53 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> <snip>
> > I have offered a very simple solution to that problem to which no-one has
> > yet
> > given any reason as to why we should not implemented it; simply add a
> > HotSpot tree
> > where pushes can be made prior to JPRT runs, then perform the JPRT runs on
> > the commits
> > in that tree before merging to the main HotSpot tree.  Problem solved.
> You need one of these repos for each of the hotspot group repos,
> otherwise the changesets won't be correct.

I'm not sure I follow this.  I envision this repository as being equivalent
to e.g. hotspot-gc and merged into the main HotSpot tree in the same way.

> You also need an Oracle
> employee to then push the change through JPRT - and that would be a lot
> more effort than the existing processes as "we" would need to clone the
> external repo first, re-parent the clone to the group repo, re-sync from
> parent if needed, then do JPRT submit. Plus you need someone to update
> these repos each time the "parent" gets updated.

I'm not saying it's an ideal solution; the ideal would be to allow everyone
to submit their own JPRT runs.  But, in six years, there seems to be have
been no progress on this from an external standpoint.

> So a simple enough idea, but the logistics are more complex.
> David

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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