Preserving changeset authorship (was Re: PING: [PATCH] Enable debug info on all libraries for OpenJDK builds)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu May 16 10:23:55 UTC 2013

On 16/05/2013 1:31 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 11/05/2013 2:53 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> I have offered a very simple solution to that problem to which no-one has
>>> yet
>>> given any reason as to why we should not implemented it; simply add a
>>> HotSpot tree
>>> where pushes can be made prior to JPRT runs, then perform the JPRT runs on
>>> the commits
>>> in that tree before merging to the main HotSpot tree.  Problem solved.
>> You need one of these repos for each of the hotspot group repos,
>> otherwise the changesets won't be correct.
> I'm not sure I follow this.  I envision this repository as being equivalent
> to e.g. hotspot-gc and merged into the main HotSpot tree in the same way.

The group repos, like hotspot-gc, only accept changes that pass JPRT and 
only sync up to hotspot-main after successful bouts of nightly testing. 
Your proposed repo would need an equivalent level of testing before 
changes could go straight to hotspot-main, so I can only see it working 
if it is treated as a child of one of the existing group repos and so we 

external repo -> jprt -> group repo [testing] -> jprt -> hotspot-main

But as we have multiple group repos you then need an external repo per 
group - which in turn will require a "gatekeeper" from each group to 
manage the logistics of the actual jprt submissions and keeping things 
in sync.


>> You also need an Oracle
>> employee to then push the change through JPRT - and that would be a lot
>> more effort than the existing processes as "we" would need to clone the
>> external repo first, re-parent the clone to the group repo, re-sync from
>> parent if needed, then do JPRT submit. Plus you need someone to update
>> these repos each time the "parent" gets updated.
> I'm not saying it's an ideal solution; the ideal would be to allow everyone
> to submit their own JPRT runs.  But, in six years, there seems to be have
> been no progress on this from an external standpoint.
>> So a simple enough idea, but the logistics are more complex.
>> David

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