JI-9008287 - configure should provide better error reports about bootjvm binaries

Dave Pointon dpointo8 at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Nov 21 16:34:31 UTC 2013

Hi David ,

On Fri, 2013-11-22 at 01:45 +1000, David Holmes wrote:
> Please do. I moved the JI issue to JDK:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028794
> Not sure what your plans was for getting this pushed but we are in a 
> phase were an approval process has to be followed to make changes to 8. 
> The 9 forest will hopefully be open "real soon now" and this could be 
> backported to 8u after that.
> Thanks,
> David

If the change were a showstopper then I would suggest that it be pushed
sooner rather than later; However, it isn't, so I won't :-)

Change made & webrev.03 generated, I'm just awaiting Neils' return to
get it posted...

Rgds ,
Dave Pointon FIAP MBCS

Now I saw, tho' too late, the folly of beginning a work
before we count the cost and before we we judge rightly
of our strength to go thro' with it - Robinson Crusoe

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