J2SE est mort, vive Java SE!

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Nov 27 16:23:03 UTC 2013

2013/11/26 8:29 -0800, david.holmes at oracle.com:
> On 27/11/2013 8:49 AM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:
>> Now that we've removed the old build system, can we please now
>> remove the last vestiges of Sun's pre-Java 5 naming scheme?
> There are also a bunch of security libs with j2 in their names - should 
> these be renamed too, or will that cause too many compatibility issues?

Those should be renamed too, eventually, but they're hardly visible and
so less urgent.

> ...
> Simple to fix in the build files, but probably somewhat more difficult 
> to coordinate with any necessary changes in external build/test systems. 
> :( Might also cause an issue for some that continue to use the same 
> "build" logic for 7u and 8u builds - but presumably this change is 
> targetted to 9.

No, 8.

- Mark

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