J2SE est mort, vive Java SE!

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Nov 27 16:28:05 UTC 2013

2013/11/26 23:33 -0800, sean.mullan at oracle.com:
> On 11/27/2013 03:41 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> The security providers have vestiges of Sun in the provider names (SUN,
>> SunPKCS11, SunJSSE ..) but these are documented and I don't think can be
>> changed (although it not recommended to select services from specific
>> providers). To my knowledge, the names of the shared libraries are not
>> something that anyone should depend on, they are purely an
>> implementation detail. I'm sure someone in the security area with jump
>> to review any proposed changes here but I wouldn't expect it to cause
>> problems.
> Changing the provider names is a very high risk change to make this late 
> in JDK 8. If we decided to change them, I would recommend deprecating 
> (but not removing) the existing Sun* providers for at least one major 
> release to allow apps to transition.
> Removing "sun" from the names of the JAR files (ex: sunjce_provider.jar, 
> sunpkcs11.jar, sunec.jar) is probably less risky from a compatibility 
> perspective, but I would still want to think about it some more and find 
> out if this would break anyone. Offhand, it  feels like this type of 
> change would be risky for JDK 8.

I didn't suggest that we remove the string "sun" from the names and
content of various artifacts in the build.  That's a risky and expensive

I just want to stamp out the "j2" prefix -- one of Sun's more egregious
marketing mistakes.

- Mark

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