RFR: jdk8-tl builds windows builds failing in corba - javac: no source files

David Katleman david.katleman at oracle.com
Thu Oct 17 01:20:29 UTC 2013

On 10/16/2013 6:10 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~wetmore/8026762/webrev/
> The JDK build broke because the JDK couldn't find the CORBA inbound 
> files.
> Needs to be quoted due to Windows separator being a semi-colon:
> JAVAC:   is path separator
> CYGWIN:  is statement/command separator
> I also did two minor indention cleanups.  I know there are some 
> inbound CORBA cleanups, is this ok?  Please see the patch file for the 
> complete list, as "webrev -b" isn't working for whitespace changes.

Quoting addition looks correct.

As for the extra indention clean up, they are fine too.   But then I'm 
not the person working on the inbound CORBA cleanup.



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