RFR: jdk8-tl builds windows builds failing in corba - javac: no source files jdk/makefiles/GenerateClasses.gmk

David Katleman david.katleman at oracle.com
Thu Oct 17 01:26:49 UTC 2013

On 10/16/2013 6:20 PM, David Katleman wrote:
> On 10/16/2013 6:10 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~wetmore/8026762/webrev/
>> The JDK build broke because the JDK couldn't find the CORBA inbound 
>> files.
>> Needs to be quoted due to Windows separator being a semi-colon:
>> JAVAC:   is path separator
>> CYGWIN:  is statement/command separator
>> I also did two minor indention cleanups.  I know there are some 
>> inbound CORBA cleanups, is this ok?  Please see the patch file for 
>> the complete list, as "webrev -b" isn't working for whitespace changes.
> Quoting addition looks correct.
> As for the extra indention clean up, they are fine too.   But then I'm 
> not the person working on the inbound CORBA cleanup.

Whoops, in looking over the entire changeset from JDK-6604021, I suspect 
you have more quoting to add:

> +BTRMIC_CP := 
> $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/btcorba.jar$(PATH_SEP)$(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/btclasses_rmic$(PATH_SEP)$(BOOTSTRAP_JAVAC_JAR) 
> +BTRMIC_ARGS := "-Xbootclasspath/p:$(BTRMIC_CP)" -cp $(BTRMIC_CP)
> +RMIC := $(JAVA) $(BTRMIC_ARGS) sun.rmi.rmic.Main


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