Building JDK8 b106 with sysroot and isystem

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Tue Sep 17 15:39:17 UTC 2013

When I tried to get configure scripts to build things "my way" back in the
last millenium, I was successful with creating a bunch of shell scripts
that look like compilers, putting all the logic in there, and then just
getting the configure script to invoke my "compiler".

But now that we actually have an active and competent openjdk build team,
it would be nice to have a flexible build system that can handle unusual
configurations without having to do that.  Probably a bunch more bugs to

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 2:59 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at>wrote:

> On 17/09/2013 5:31 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> I agree that it's not clear how this should be done. We have support for
>> compiling with a custom compiler and sysroot, though it's not yet the
>> official way of building the OracleJDK. The following configure options
>> are used for this:
>> --with-tools-dir, use as a path variable to point to directories
>> containing executables, like compilers.
>> --with-sys-root, point to a directory root for headers and libs to
>> compile and link against.
>> --with-devkit, a shortcut for setting both of the above if the layout of
>> the devkit follows a certain standard.
> Yet our true cross-compilation builds don't use these as listed but simply:
> --with-devkit
> --with-x
> --openjdk-target
> and set compiler flags via the --with-extra-* options.
> There are too many options and their meaning is very unclear.
> David
> -----
>  When inspecting how this is treated by configure, I notice that we don't
>> actually add the --sysroot option to the compile and link lines when
>> setting --with-sys-root, we just use that path for looking for X11 and
>> other libs we depend on. Our internal devkit was constructed to be a
>> self contained toolchain, so the --sysroot parameter is already compiled
>> into gcc and isn't needed, which is why it works for us.
>> So basically, this could use some fixing.
>> /Erik
>> On 2013-09-16 20:14, Jungwoo Ha wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to build jdk8 b106 with customized compiler and libc.
>>> I'm trying to add sysroot and isystem wherever necessary.
>>> The new configure seems to have --with-extra-*flags and --with-sys-root,
>>> but here are problems I found so far.
>>> 1) It doesn't seem that --with-sys-root/--with-extra-***flags parameter
>>> is
>>> actually used during the compilation
>>> 2) When specifying --with-tool-dir, configure script doesn't use
>>> --with-sys-root to check if the compilation and linking is done
>>> correctly.
>>> 3) LDFLAGS doesn't work all the time. Many makefile still contains old
>>> 4) I can add these flags on CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, but jdk/ doesn't
>>> propagate
>>> these properly.
>>> 5) For example,  BUILD_GENSRC_SOR_EXE in jdk, when calling
>>> SetupNativeCompilation, it doesn't pass CXXFLAGS.
>>> So are these new configure & make still work-in-progress, or
>>> are these supposed to work?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jungwoo

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