Building JDK8 b106 with sysroot and isystem

Jungwoo Ha jwha at
Tue Sep 17 18:01:07 UTC 2013

Can you tell me what is the expected layout of devkit?
I'll put things together and will try.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at>wrote:

> I agree that it's not clear how this should be done. We have support for
> compiling with a custom compiler and sysroot, though it's not yet the
> official way of building the OracleJDK. The following configure options are
> used for this:
> --with-tools-dir, use as a path variable to point to directories
> containing executables, like compilers.
> --with-sys-root, point to a directory root for headers and libs to compile
> and link against.
> --with-devkit, a shortcut for setting both of the above if the layout of
> the devkit follows a certain standard.
> When inspecting how this is treated by configure, I notice that we don't
> actually add the --sysroot option to the compile and link lines when
> setting --with-sys-root, we just use that path for looking for X11 and
> other libs we depend on. Our internal devkit was constructed to be a self
> contained toolchain, so the --sysroot parameter is already compiled into
> gcc and isn't needed, which is why it works for us.
> So basically, this could use some fixing.
> /Erik
> On 2013-09-16 20:14, Jungwoo Ha wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to build jdk8 b106 with customized compiler and libc.
>> I'm trying to add sysroot and isystem wherever necessary.
>> The new configure seems to have --with-extra-*flags and --with-sys-root,
>> but here are problems I found so far.
>> 1) It doesn't seem that --with-sys-root/--with-extra-***flags parameter
>> is
>> actually used during the compilation
>> 2) When specifying --with-tool-dir, configure script doesn't use
>> --with-sys-root to check if the compilation and linking is done correctly.
>> 3) LDFLAGS doesn't work all the time. Many makefile still contains old
>> 4) I can add these flags on CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, but jdk/ doesn't
>> propagate
>> these properly.
>> 5) For example,  BUILD_GENSRC_SOR_EXE in jdk, when calling
>> SetupNativeCompilation, it doesn't pass CXXFLAGS.
>> So are these new configure & make still work-in-progress, or
>> are these supposed to work?
>> Thanks,
>> Jungwoo

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