[OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Feb 28 10:12:51 UTC 2014


Just on Project Jigsaw and moving to a modular JDK then we've been doing 
preparatory work for this for several years (it had its own JEP in JDK 8 
for example). There isn't a JEP yet proposing a Modular JDK but 
hopefully soon. In the mean-time I think we have to continue the 
clean-up and getting things consistent. Erik and Magnus are doing great 
work to clean-up the build and prepare for when we restructure the 
source code as modules.

On the psfont files then I think you are saying that they aren't really 
intended to be user editable. If so then they would be a good candidate 
to move from $JAVA_HOME/lib in the image to a module-private location 
(once we get the JDK to the point where it is building a module image of 
course). That can come later.

For now and for the source location then I think we have to listen to 
Erik and Magnus' arguments for consistency. Also the source tree needs 
to be much more approachable than it is now. In the case of properties 
files then it is not obvious where they go and whether you can use 
getResources at runtime to access them. So I think Erik's patch to move 
these to src/share/lib make sense as it makes it much more obvious where 
they will be in the build output.


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