February 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 3 06:43:17 UTC 2014
Ending: Fri Feb 28 23:47:37 UTC 2014
Messages: 322
- Open JDK8 fast-debug : crashes on Solaris Sparc T4 machines
Baesken, Matthias
- Open JDK8 fast-debug : crashes on Solaris Sparc T4 machines
Baesken, Matthias
- (urgent) RFR: JDK-8033680: Profiles build broken
Alan Bateman
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Alan Bateman
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Alan Bateman
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Alan Bateman
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
Alan Bateman
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Alan Bateman
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8026773: Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8033210: Intermittent build failure: jdk8 fails on win_i586 in jdk/make (p11_convert.c(67) : Cannot open 'sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11.h)
Tim Bell
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8034098: Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8030350 : (s) Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035187: Move fontconfig src files to make/data
Tim Bell
- (XS) RFR: JDK-8028770 LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8007897 Problems cleaning up a file named jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the.. on Windows
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035495 Improvements in autoconf integration
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035730 Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035825 Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Tim Bell
- RFR: JDK-8035904: Solaris fastdebug builds are failing
Tim Bell
- 8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Pete Brunet
- 8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Pete Brunet
- 8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Pete Brunet
- Request for approval of JDK-8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Pete Brunet
- Support for different compilers
Martin Buchholz
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
Martin Buchholz
- Support for different compilers
Martin Buchholz
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
Martin Buchholz
- docs build curiousity
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Martin Buchholz
- Support for different compilers
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8033119 Improve and document boot-jdk.m4
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Support for different compilers
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Support for different compilers
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8033236 Update GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk to build-infra standards
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Support for different compilers
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8033532 Freetype include statement must come before X11 include
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Support for different compilers
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8033210: Intermittent build failure: jdk8 fails on win_i586 in jdk/make (p11_convert.c(67) : Cannot open 'sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11.h)
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- (urgent) RFR: JDK-8033680: Profiles build broken
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034098: Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034191 Improve separation of open and closed source
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8030350 : (s) Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Discussion: How to handle partial requirements in configure
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries (was: Why do we need both - export maps AND -fvisibility=hidden/__attribute__((visibility("default"))))
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035187: Move fontconfig src files to make/data
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- 8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- (XS) RFR: JDK-8028770 LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8007897 Problems cleaning up a file named jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the.. on Windows
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035495 Improvements in autoconf integration
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR : JDK-8032045 : (m/l) Enable compiler and linker safety switches for debug builds
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035730 Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8035825 Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR : JDK-8032045 : (m/l) Enable compiler and linker safety switches for debug builds
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Request for approval of JDK-8032443: , Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Sergey Bylokhov
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
David Chase
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
David Chase
- RFR: JDK-8033532 Freetype include statement must come before X11 include
David Chase
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Mandy Chung
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Mandy Chung
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Iris Clark
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Victor D'yakov
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Daniel D. Daugherty
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Daniel D. Daugherty
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Daniel D. Daugherty
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Daniel D. Daugherty
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Daniel D. Daugherty
- JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
Mike Duigou
- build warnings
Mike Duigou
- RFR: JDK-8030350 : (s) Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
Mike Duigou
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Mike Duigou
- RFR: 8034979 : (xs) Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create
Mike Duigou
- Discussion: How to handle partial requirements in configure
Mike Duigou
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
Mike Duigou
- RFR: JDK-8035495 Improvements in autoconf integration
Mike Duigou
- RFR : JDK-8032045 : (m/l) Enable compiler and linker safety switches for debug builds
Mike Duigou
- RFR: JDK-8036079 : (s) --with-boot-jdk-jvmargs configure options are ignored
Mike Duigou
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Ron Durbin
- docs build curiousity
Jonathan Gibbons
- docs build curiousity
Jonathan Gibbons
- build warnings
Chris Hegarty
- build warnings
Chris Hegarty
- RFR:
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8034094: SA agent can't compile when jni_x86.h is used
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Erik Helin
- Support for different compilers
David Holmes
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
David Holmes
- RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
David Holmes
- Cross-compiling and the gen* native build tools
David Holmes
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
David Holmes
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
David Holmes
- RFR(XS): JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8030350 : (s) Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
David Holmes
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8007897 Problems cleaning up a file named jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the.. on Windows
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8035825 Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
David Holmes
- JDK9: RFR: 8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
David Holmes
- How to trim some more fat OpenJDK 8
David Holmes
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
David Holmes
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
David Holmes
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
David Holmes
- How to trim some more fat OpenJDK 8
David Holmes
- JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.
David Holmes
- JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.
David Holmes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Andrew Hughes
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Andrew Hughes
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Henry Jen
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Henry Jen
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Henry Jen
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Henry Jen
- JDK9: RFR: 8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
Henry Jen
- JDK9: RFR: 8019470: Changes needed to compile JDK8 on MacOS with clang compiler
Henry Jen
- JDK9: RFR: 8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
Henry Jen
- JDK9: RFR: 8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
Henry Jen
- RFR: JDK-8033532 Freetype include statement must come before X11 include
Erik Joelsson
- [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Erik Joelsson
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
Erik Joelsson
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8033210: Intermittent build failure: jdk8 fails on win_i586 in jdk/make (p11_convert.c(67) : Cannot open 'sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11.h)
Erik Joelsson
- (urgent) RFR: JDK-8033680: Profiles build broken
Erik Joelsson
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Erik Joelsson
- 8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
Erik Joelsson
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Erik Joelsson
- RFR(XS): 8033951: nasgen needs the newly build nasgen and nashorn classes in the bootclasspath
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034098: Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
Erik Joelsson
- RFR(XS): JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8030350 : (s) Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034191 Improve separation of open and closed source
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: 8033580: Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
Erik Joelsson
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: 8034979 : (xs) Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034199 Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
Erik Joelsson
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Erik Joelsson
- 8032443: ,Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8035187: Move fontconfig src files to make/data
Erik Joelsson
- (XS) RFR: JDK-8028770 LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8007897 Problems cleaning up a file named jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the.. on Windows
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Erik Joelsson
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Erik Joelsson
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8035904: Solaris fastdebug builds are failing
Erik Joelsson
- Request for approval of JDK-8032443: , Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
Erik Joelsson
- Open JDK8 fast-debug : crashes on Solaris Sparc T4 machines
Vladimir Kozlov
- Open JDK8 fast-debug : crashes on Solaris Sparc T4 machines
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(XS): JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
Staffan Larsen
- RFR(XS): JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
Staffan Larsen
- RFR(XS): JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
Staffan Larsen
- JDK9: RFR: 8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
Staffan Larsen
- RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- Heads up, apparent change in MacPorts borks jdk9 build on Mac
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Omair Majid
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Man, Jessica
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Man, Jessica
- [PATCH] For OpenJDK 8 and 9 to fix build issue when --with-alsa option is used
Man, Jessica
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries (was: Why do we need both - export maps AND -fvisibility=hidden/__attribute__((visibility("default"))))
Jeremy Manson
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries (was: Why do we need both - export maps AND -fvisibility=hidden/__attribute__((visibility("default"))))
Jeremy Manson
- Support for different compilers
Eric McCorkle
- build warnings
Michael McMahon
- build warnings
Michael McMahon
- build warnings
Michael McMahon
- How to trim some more fat OpenJDK 8
Medi Montaseri
- How to trim some more fat OpenJDK 8
Medi Montaseri
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Masayoshi Okutsu
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Masayoshi Okutsu
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Masayoshi Okutsu
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Anthony Petrov
- <AWT Dev> RFR: Allow using a system installed libpng
Anthony Petrov
- RFR: JDK-8033292 configure MAKE=foo causes configure to fail
Dave Pointon
- Support for different compilers
Dave Pointon
- RFR: JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
Dave Pointon
- (XS) RFR: JDK-8028770 LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
Dave Pointon
- Open JDK8 fast-debug : crashes on Solaris Sparc T4 machines
Phil Race
- RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Phil Race
- RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Phil Race
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Phil Race
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: JDK-8035821: Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
Phil Race
- [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: Allow using a system-installed lcms2
Phil Race
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Tom Rodriguez
- Thread dump during build with ctrl-\
John Rose
- build warnings
Dmitry Samersoff
- [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> RFR: JDK-8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> [9] RFR 8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
Naoto Sato
- RFR: JDK-8033236 Update GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk to build-infra standards
Xueming Shen
- code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Doug Simon
- Support for different compilers
Volker Simonis
- Support for different compilers
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8033951: nasgen needs the newly build nasgen and nashorn classes in the bootclasspath
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8033951: nasgen needs the newly build nasgen and nashorn classes in the bootclasspath
Volker Simonis
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries (was: Why do we need both - export maps AND -fvisibility=hidden/__attribute__((visibility("default"))))
Volker Simonis
- Mapfiles and static linking of standard libraries (was: Why do we need both - export maps AND -fvisibility=hidden/__attribute__((visibility("default"))))
Volker Simonis
- RFR: JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR: JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
Kumar Srinivasan
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8035944: Build failed wilth configure option --disable-debuginfo-files
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.
Yasumasa Suenaga
- RFR: JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
Bradford Wetmore
- hg: jdk8/build: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset 101e42de4686
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/corba: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset 113e7569b49b
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/hotspot: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset 874c0b4a946c
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset b1839922f10c
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset de172acc095b
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jdk: 7 new changesets
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b128 for changeset 09cdd3b493c0
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/nashorn: 6 new changesets
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset 1e5fe8654913
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/corba: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset 5c72d74c6805
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/hotspot: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset cb39165c4a65
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset b7752cea7c81
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset aabc90596123
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/jdk: 5 new changesets
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset 8fe7202d3c38
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/nashorn: Added tag jdk8-b129 for changeset 9cc3fd32fbab
david.katleman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/build/corba: 8035618: Four api/org_omg/CORBA TCK tests fail under plugin only
david.katleman at oracle.com
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 23:47:37 UTC 2014
Archived on: Wed Aug 9 18:02:32 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).