Question on how to change javac options when building corba, jaxp, and jaxws repos

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Jan 17 08:42:14 UTC 2015

On 17/01/2015 00:44, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> Hello build gurus,
> As a follow-up to clearing the jdk repo of warnings, I'd like to see 
> how many warnings are left in other repos.
> To do this, I'd like to run the build of the other repos with
>     -Xlint:all -Xmaxwarns 10000
> I've poked around the build system a bit, but haven't found an 
> effective way to do this for the jaxp, jaxws, and corba corba.
> How can this change to accomplished?
One thing to say is that the build doesn't compile by repo now. Instead 
the compilations are by module. In this case then modules that you are 
looking for are java.activiation, java.corba, jdk.rmic, java.xml, 
java.xml.bind, and

Erik can correct me but I think the make file that you want to edit is 
<top>/make/CompileJavaModules.gmk. Comment out the lines <module>_SETUP 
:= GENERATE_JDKBYTECODE_WARNINGS to find what lies beneath.


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