Question on how to change javac options when building corba, jaxp, and jaxws repos

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Mon Jan 19 07:30:03 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-17 09:42, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 17/01/2015 00:44, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>> Hello build gurus,
>> As a follow-up to clearing the jdk repo of warnings, I'd like to see 
>> how many warnings are left in other repos.
>> To do this, I'd like to run the build of the other repos with
>>     -Xlint:all -Xmaxwarns 10000
>> I've poked around the build system a bit, but haven't found an 
>> effective way to do this for the jaxp, jaxws, and corba corba.
>> How can this change to accomplished?
> One thing to say is that the build doesn't compile by repo now. 
> Instead the compilations are by module. In this case then modules that 
> you are looking for are java.activiation, java.corba, jdk.rmic, 
> java.xml, java.xml.bind, and
> Erik can correct me but I think the make file that you want to edit is 
> <top>/make/CompileJavaModules.gmk. Comment out the lines 
> <module>_SETUP := GENERATE_JDKBYTECODE_WARNINGS to find what lies 
> beneath.
That's one way of doing it, which will activate warnings per module. If 
you just want to enable for all of those modules, you can go into 
<top>/make/common/SetupJavaCompilers.gmk and change the javac parameters 
$(DISABLE_WARNINGS) with what you want).

It could also work to just run "make DISABLE_WARNINGS='-Xlint:all 
-Xmaxwarns 10000'". But that will also enable warnings for build tools 
java code and demos.


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