Review Request: 8074428, 8074429, 8074430 jdk.pack200, jdk.jartool, jdk.policytool modules

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Fri Mar 13 18:37:36 UTC 2015

This module contains both pack200 and unpack200 tools although it only 
contains the native implementation of unpacker.  Naming it as 
jdk.unpack200 would give an impression that it contains the unpacker 
only which isn't the case.

Like the API java.util.jar.Pack200 class, it's about Pack200 format and 
it has both Pack200.Packer and Pack200.Unpacker nested interfaces

jdk.pack200 represents the tools for Pack200 format that sounds fine to me.


On 3/10/2015 10:23 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
> The changes look ok to me, however I am wondering if the module
> could be called jdk.unpack200 and not jdk.pack200 ? since it
> contains only the unpacker, and the bin utilities are pack200 and
> unpack200.
> Kumar
> On 3/4/2015 5:13 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> As listed in an open issue in JEP 200:
>> The and jdk.runtime modules contain miscellaneous tools that do
>> not obviously belong to any other module; these modules will eventually
>> be either renamed or refactored.
>> Currently there are jdk.javadoc, jdk.jconsole, jdk.jcmd modules in
>> the JDK that are organized around its primary tool.  Such organization
>> is easy to name, document and understand. This patch proposes to
>> move tools from jdk.runtime and to jdk.pack200, jdk.jartool,
>> jdk.policytool modules.
>> Overall Webrev that will be convenient to review the build change
>> and modules.xml change.
>> Separate webrevs for each issue:
>> 1. pack200, unpack200 to jdk.pack200
>> 2. jar, jarsigner to jdk.jartool
>> 3. policytool to jdk.policytool
>> There are remaining tools in that will be handled separately.
>> will disappear when all of the remaining tools find its home.
>> Mandy

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