RFR: JDK-8171548: JDK bundles changes sym links incorrectly in the legal directory

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Dec 21 12:43:42 UTC 2016


Please review this very small fix in the bundle creation. The tar 
--transform parameter, which we use to create a top level directory 
inside the bundles, does weird things to relative symlinks. By adding 
the option 'S', this is fixed. I found this in the gnutar documentation 


When we run tar without support for --transform, we have a fall back 
implementation where we copy files to a new directory structure and then 
bundle with tar. I verified that this isn't a problem there too.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8171548


diff -r 6234069ff978 make/Bundles.gmk
--- a/make/Bundles.gmk
+++ b/make/Bundles.gmk
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
        $(CD) $$($1_BASE_DIRS) \
            && ( $(TAR) cf - $(TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM) \
                -$(TAR_INCLUDE_PARAM) $$($1_$$($1_BASE_DIRS)_LIST_FILE) \
-              $$(if $$($1_SUBDIR), --transform 's|^|$$($1_SUBDIR)/|') \
+              $$(if $$($1_SUBDIR), --transform 's|^|$$($1_SUBDIR)/|S') \
                $(TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE) ) \
            | $(GZIP) > $$@


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