Configure(still?) broken on OS X

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Jan 14 08:01:42 UTC 2016

I believe freetype is needed on Macosx so if that is missing in 
README-builds.html, that's a bug.

I'm not a regular Macosx user so I might remember this wrong, but you 
can get freetype from different sources. One is to install XQuartz. 
Another is to get it from homebrew. There was some issue with Macosx 
10.11 and the path to freetype in XQuartz but I think that should be 
fixed now.


On 2016-01-13 22:39, Scott Palmer wrote:
> There was a recent thread about JDK-8145206: Configure broken on Macosx
> I just attempted to bulid jdk9 on OS X 10.11.2 and configure failed with:
> configure: error: Could not find freetype!
> /Users/me/dev/openjdk9.common/autoconf/ line 82: 5:
> Bad file descriptor
> Checking README-builds.html I see that Freetype is listed as something that
> is needed for Linux and Solaris, but not Mac OS X.
> What is broken, configure or the System Setup instructions?
> Thanks,
> Scott

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