Configure(still?) broken on OS X

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Thu Jan 14 14:59:42 UTC 2016

I installed XQuartz, rebooted, and re-ran configure.  Got the exact same
error.  Seems the path to freetype in XQuartz is not fixed.


On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:01 AM, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at>

> I believe freetype is needed on Macosx so if that is missing in
> README-builds.html, that's a bug.
> I'm not a regular Macosx user so I might remember this wrong, but you can
> get freetype from different sources. One is to install XQuartz. Another is
> to get it from homebrew. There was some issue with Macosx 10.11 and the
> path to freetype in XQuartz but I think that should be fixed now.
> /Erik
> On 2016-01-13 22:39, Scott Palmer wrote:
>> There was a recent thread about JDK-8145206: Configure broken on Macosx
>> I just attempted to bulid jdk9 on OS X 10.11.2 and configure failed with:
>> configure: error: Could not find freetype!
>> /Users/me/dev/openjdk9.common/autoconf/ line 82: 5:
>> Bad file descriptor
>> Checking README-builds.html I see that Freetype is listed as something
>> that
>> is needed for Linux and Solaris, but not Mac OS X.
>> What is broken, configure or the System Setup instructions?
>> Thanks,
>> Scott

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