Has configure changed behaviour??
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Aug 4 23:44:03 UTC 2017
FYI seems I'm not the only one to have a noticed a change in relation to
symlinks in the past 6-8 weeks.
I also tried the JIB reset (thanks Naoto) but that made no difference.
On 5/08/2017 9:23 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks for replying!
> On 5/08/2017 12:26 AM, Tim Bell wrote:
>> David:
>> We have not changed autoconf/configure for JDK 10 as we have been a
>> bit busy with other things.
>> I thought we cured symlink versus real path problems with:
>> JDK-8003317
>> build-infra: Configure fails when current dir is part of a symlink
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8003317
>> But maybe not.
> Well I've been using symlinked directories for my repos since day one,
> so I don't recall ever noticing that problem before.
>> If you cd to the real directory and then:
>> echo $PWD # to verify that it matches /bin/pwd
>> mv build build.00 # to start with a clean slate
>> bash ./common/bin/jib.sh configure -p linux-x64-debug
>> Does that work for you?
> Yep.
> So I guess something must have changed since I went away at the
> beginning of June ... JIB 3 versus JIB 2 ?? (Though I did do some beta
> testing with JIB 3 early on). Strange.
> Thanks,
> David
>> Tim
>>> Went to do my first build in a couple of months. Sitting in top-level of
>>> forest (with empty build directory - having deleted old config).
>>> bash ./common/bin/jib.sh configure -p linux-x64-debug
>>> yields:
>>> configure: Current directory is /scratch/dh198349/jdk10-hs.
>>> configure: Since this is not the source root, configure will output the
>>> configuration here
>>> configure: (as opposed to creating a configuration in
>>> <src_root>/build/<conf-name>).
>>> configure: However, this directory is not empty. This is not allowed,
>>> since it could
>>> configure: seriously mess up just about everything.
>>> configure: Try 'cd /export/users/dh198349/jdk10-hs' and restart
>>> configure
>>> configure: (or create a new empty directory and cd to it).
>>> ---
>>> That is very confusing:
>>> 1. what is a src_root and why does it think I would want to create
>>> <src_root>/build/<conf-name> instead of ./build/<conf-name>?
>>> 2. Why does it tell me to try to cd to the directory I am already in???
>>> ( /scratch is a softlink to /export/users)
>>> 3. I created a new directory (build) and cd'd into as suggested,
>>> which got:
>>> Error: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>>> /export/users/dh198349/jdk10-hs/build/configure (No such file or
>>> directory)
>>> ---
>>> I'm sure it wasn't this hard to run configure before I went on
>>> vacation. :)
>>> How do I persuade configure to create
>>> <top-of-forest>/build/<conf-name> ?
>>> And does the "advice" configure gave me make any sense?
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
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