Initial JDK 11 RFR of JDK-8173382: Add -source 11 and -target 11 to javac - Java Bug System & JDK-8193291: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_11

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Dec 14 01:16:18 UTC 2017

Hi Joe,

On 14/12/2017 4:36 AM, joe darcy wrote:
> There are various changes associated with a JDK N to (N+1) update 
> including (but not limited to):
>      1) New -source/-target value in javac
>      2) Make new -source/-target value the default in javac
>      3) Change build of the JDK to use new -source/-target
>      4) Increment version
>      5) Support new --release value in javac
>      6) Output new class file format
>      7) Have HotSpot accept new class file format
>      ...
> For the last few releases, we've done 1) through 4) in b01 of the new 
> release, although typically via multiple changesets since 4) has been 
> done separately from 1) through 3) and 3) had to be done separately from 
> 1) and 2) since different repos were affected before the repo 
> consolidation.
> It is desirable but not strictly necessary to bundle this set of updates 
> into as few changesets as possible. In particular, I think it is 
> acceptable if the master repo has source code states before the first 
> promoted build where not all of 1) through 4) are fixed.

So what is currently being proposed would seem to be:

 >      1) New -source/-target value in javac
 >      2) Make new -source/-target value the default in javac
 >      3) Change build of the JDK to use new -source/-target
 >      6) Output new class file format
 >      7) Have HotSpot accept new class file format

for b01, with:

 >      4) Increment version
 >      5) Support new --release value in javac
+ whatever hotspot needs for new version, after that.


> Cheers,
> -Joe

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