Initial JDK 11 RFR of JDK-8173382: Add -source 11 and -target 11 to javac - Java Bug System & JDK-8193291: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_11

joe darcy joe.darcy at
Thu Dec 14 01:27:35 UTC 2017

Hi David,

On 12/13/2017 5:16 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> On 14/12/2017 4:36 AM, joe darcy wrote:
>> There are various changes associated with a JDK N to (N+1) update 
>> including (but not limited to):
>>      1) New -source/-target value in javac
>>      2) Make new -source/-target value the default in javac
>>      3) Change build of the JDK to use new -source/-target
>>      4) Increment version
>>      5) Support new --release value in javac
>>      6) Output new class file format
>>      7) Have HotSpot accept new class file format
>>      ...
>> For the last few releases, we've done 1) through 4) in b01 of the new 
>> release, although typically via multiple changesets since 4) has been 
>> done separately from 1) through 3) and 3) had to be done separately 
>> from 1) and 2) since different repos were affected before the repo 
>> consolidation.
>> It is desirable but not strictly necessary to bundle this set of 
>> updates into as few changesets as possible. In particular, I think it 
>> is acceptable if the master repo has source code states before the 
>> first promoted build where not all of 1) through 4) are fixed.
> So what is currently being proposed would seem to be:
> >      1) New -source/-target value in javac
> >      2) Make new -source/-target value the default in javac
> >      3) Change build of the JDK to use new -source/-target
> >      6) Output new class file format
> >      7) Have HotSpot accept new class file format
> for b01, with:
> >      4) Increment version
> >      5) Support new --release value in javac
> + whatever hotspot needs for new version, after that.

The changes out for review, mine plus Paul's combined, do cover the 
first batch of items you list above. Items 4) and 5) could still occur 
in b01, even if not bundled with this group of changesets.

One could argue that ideally the full grouping of changes covering all 
these items should occur as the first changeset of a new release. Maybe 
we'll get there after another round or two of practice :-)


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