RFC: nashorn sources are missing in src.zip

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Tue Jan 3 12:12:01 UTC 2017


Thank you very much for kind answer and additional resources.
There is modified backport of patch you mentioned:

Except the backport itself, I had to add also nashorn sources (as jdk9 is handling this a bit 
At the end I added also sources for  zipfs, as jdk9 have them too, and they were the last missing 
bits as far as I saw.

The size of src.zip grown from 26 to 52MB (still less then 62 of jdk9).

I think the change i suitable for 8u, as it is bug in truth. I found it when I faced strange 
behaviour in rhino and wonted to step in (with src.zip linked to ide)...and... nothing. So it was 
not nice surprise.

Tahnx again!

On 01/03/2017 09:03 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> Hello Jiri,
> Please see related issue [1] which was included early in JDK 9 but the backport was never done. I
> don't personally mind including more sources in src.zip for OpenJDK, but instead of adding them
> piecemeal I would argue for reopening the backport. I don't know if such a change is suitable for 8u
> at this point though. The size of src.zip increases quite dramatically. However, it should be noted
> that it's only included in the JDK image and not the JRE.
> For anyone unsure of the role of src.zip, it's only use is for IDEs to see the JDK sources to aid
> debugging of other applications.
> /Erik
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044235
> On 2017-01-02 17:41, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> https://jvanek.fedorapeople.org/oracle/jdk8/webrevs/nashornMissingInSrcZip/v1/webrev/
>> Hello good people!
>> I have found, that nashorn sources are missing in src.zip.
>> It is easily fixable by webrev above.
>> If you will think about it as "private api",  jdk9 *have* nashorn module sources included.
>> Actually more sun* sources are missing. Or even more sources which result to ext directory. Imho
>> they should be included too. I will prepare patches for each set separately, if it will be agreed.
>> I know that sun* are somehow deprecated. But it is sad when you can not easily debug inside the
>> JDK. The absence of theirs in src.zip is not the cure.
>> Thanx!
>>   J.

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