RFR: 8194493 test for release file checking needs to be tier1

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Jan 5 23:59:33 UTC 2018

On 5/01/2018 11:09 PM, Randy Crihfield wrote:
> This isn't a core lib test, or a vm test, or an install test, or any 
> other subcomponent.

The file you are changing belongs to core-libs.

> When someone builds the OpenJDK, they need to know right off if they 
> actually built the OpenJDK w/o including the closed bits.
> If this test fails, then there's no point in running any other test.  It 
> is actually a build test.

It doesn't need to be in any TEST.group entry for someone to run it. The 
two issues are orthogonal.

> Now, if you believe the test group entry should be located in a special 
> build test place that I didn't see, that's fine.
> If there is no build test location, then perhaps there SHOULD be if this 
> is not sufficient.
> Because of its nature to determine if the build is even worth testing, I 
> made it a tier1.

I understand, but test/jdk/TEST.groups belongs to the core-libs team so 
changes to that file should be reviewed by them. Very few people on 
build-dev would be in a position to review such changes as it is nothing 
to do with the build.

So if you want to add a new tier1 test entry for JDK testing please ask 
for the review on core-libs-dev.

Thanks you,

> Randy
> On 01/ 3/18 07:58 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Randy,
>> The build team don't have anything to do with TEST.groups, this should 
>> be reviewed on core-libs-dev.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> On 4/01/2018 2:26 AM, Randy Crihfield wrote:
>>> I need to add the negative test created for JDK-8192837 to the 
>>> TEST.groups file.
>>> The related bug is https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8194493
>>> The diff is very short and included below.
>>> Any comments/suggestions are welcome, also I will need a sponsor for 
>>> it at the end…
>>> Randy
>>> randyc at pollux -> hg diff TEST.groups
>>> diff -r 3a52333a5e57 test/jdk/TEST.groups
>>> --- a/test/jdk/TEST.groups
>>> +++ b/test/jdk/TEST.groups
>>> @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
>>>       java/nio/Buffer \
>>>       com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher \
>>>       :jdk_math \
>>> -    tools/pack200
>>> +    tools/pack200 \
>>> +    :build_sanity
>>>   tier2 = \
>>>       :jdk_io \
>>> @@ -60,6 +61,10 @@
>>>   # Other test definitions; generally smaller granularity than tiers
>>>   #
>>> +# Build source checking
>>> +build_sanity = \
>>> +    sanity/releaseFile
>>> +
>>>   # java.lang package and VM runtime support
>>>   jdk_lang = \
>>>       java/lang \
>>> randyc at pollux ->

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