RFR(S): 8213698: Improve devkit creation and add support for linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Tue Nov 13 17:34:29 UTC 2018

Hello Volker,

I think your changes look reasonable and I'm happy to see some external 
interest in the devkits!

To provide some history on the structure of these makefiles. They used 
to support building full cross toolchains from and to all listed 
platforms (creating one mega kit for each host platform with all the 
others as targets), which was also the default behavior. Since we 
weren't using this, I simplified it a bit. I think your design with 
base-to-target directories makes more sense. You get separate kits for 
each base and target combination, which is how we use them in practice 

The presence of a top level dir in the tars is something I have debated 
with myself a lot. The different devkit scripts aren't even behaving the 
same in this regard. I agree that it's cleaner with a top level dir, but 
in the world of automated installs, it adds yet another level of 
directories to already deep paths. I'm ok with changing it however.


On 2018-11-13 08:25, Volker Simonis wrote:
> As it seems that nobody has looked at this until now, I take the
> liberty to slightly update my proposal :)
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2018/8213698.v1/
> - add the Fedora version to the sub-directory under
> build/devkit/download/rpms/ which contains the target specific .rpm
> files. This saves a lot of time if experimenting with various sysroot
> versions:
>     endif
>   else
>   DOWNLOAD := $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/download
>   SRCDIR := $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/src
> - remove "unknown" from the host platform triplet. According to the
> "Autobook, §3.4 Configuration Names" [1] "..it is normally not
> necessary to specify an entire name. In particular, the middle field
> (manufacturer - which defaults to "unknown") is often omitted."
>   # Figure out what platform this is building on.
> -me := $(cpu)-$(if $(findstring Linux,$(os)),unknown-linux-gnu)
> +me := $(cpu)-$(if $(findstring Linux,$(os)),linux-gnu)
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> [1] https://sourceware.org/autobook/autobook/autobook_17.html
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 12:19 PM Volker Simonis
> <volker.simonis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can I please have a review for the following change which ads support
>> for linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x devkits and hopefully improves the
>> creation of devkits a little bit :)
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2018/8213698/
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213698
>> With these changes it becomes possible to say any of the following:
>> make cross_compile_target="ppc64le-linux-gnu s390x-linux-gnu" BASE_OS=Fedora
>> make cross_compile_target="ppc64-linux-gnu" BASE_OS=Fedora BASE_OS_VERSION=17
>> make onlytars cross_compile_target="ppc64-linux-gnu ppc64le-linux-gnu
>> s390x-linux-gnu"
>> and get the following devkits under "build/devkit/result":
>> sdk-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-ppc64le-linux-gnu-20181112.tar.gz
>> sdk-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-ppc64-linux-gnu-20181112.tar.gz
>> sdk-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-s390x-linux-gnu-20181112.tar.gz
>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-ppc64le-linux-gnu/
>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-ppc64-linux-gnu/
>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-to-s390x-linux-gnu/
>> Below you can find a more detailed description of the various changes.
>> Once we've discussed and agreed on the changes I'd like to add a small
>> documentation about how to build and use devkits to
>> "doc/building.{md,html}" which describes the creation and usage of
>> devkits. This documentation should be right at the top of the
>> "Cross-compiling" section which is quite complex now. It was not clear
>> to me until yet how trivial the creation and usage of a devkit can be
>> :)
>> - The changes required for supporting linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x are trivial:
>> make/devkit/Tools.gmk
>> +ifneq ($(filter ppc64 ppc64le s390x, $(ARCH)), )
>> +  # We only support 64-bit on these platforms anyway
>> +  CONFIG += --disable-multilib
>> +endif
>> This is required to prevent building of multilib toolchains which
>> arent't needed anyway. The problem with the multilib toolchain build
>> is that it requires some special 32-bit headers which arn't installed
>> by default from the current RPM list.
>> - The following change allows users to choose the version of Fedora
>> which is used to create the sysroot environment by setting
>> "BASE_OS_VERSION" (with "27" being the default). This works "BASE_OS"
>> will be set to "Fedora" (as opposed to "Fedora27" before). Notice that
>> older Fedora versions have a sligthly different download URL:
>> make/devkit/Tools.gmk
>>   ifeq ($(BASE_OS), OEL6)
>>     OEL_URL := http://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/4/base/$(ARCH)/
>>     LINUX_VERSION := OEL6.4
>> -else ifeq ($(BASE_OS), Fedora27)
>> -  ifeq ($(ARCH), aarch64)
>> +else ifeq ($(BASE_OS), Fedora)
>> +  ifeq ($(BASE_OS_VERSION), )
>> +  endif
>> +  ifeq ($(filter x86_64 armhfp, $(ARCH)), )
>>       FEDORA_TYPE=fedora-secondary
>>     else
>>       FEDORA_TYPE=fedora/linux
>>     endif
>> -  OEL_URL := https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/$(FEDORA_TYPE)/releases/27/Everything/$(ARCH)/os/Packages/
>> -  LINUX_VERSION := Fedora 27
>> ] && echo true)
>> +  ifeq ($(ARCHIVED),true)
>> +    OEL_URL :=
>> https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/$(FEDORA_TYPE)/releases/$(BASE_OS_VERSION)/Everything/$(ARCH)/os/Packages/
>> +  else
>> +    OEL_URL :=
>> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/$(FEDORA_TYPE)/releases/$(BASE_OS_VERSION)/Everything/$(ARCH)/os/Packages/
>> +  endif
>>   else
>>     $(error Unknown base OS $(BASE_OS))
>>   endif
>> - Enable the creation of several different devkits at once (e.g. 'make
>>   cross_compile_target="ppc64-linux-gnu ppc64le-linux-gnu
>> s390x-linux-gnu"') or one after another but all into the same
>> 'build/devkit/result' directory. The result directory will contain
>> $HOST-to-$TARGET sub-directories with the corresponding devkits:
>> make/devkit/Makefile
>> -submakevars = HOST=$@ BUILD=$(me) \
>> +
>>   $(host_platforms) :
>>          @echo 'Building compilers for $@'
>>          @echo 'Targets: $(target_platforms)'
>>          for p in $(filter $@, $(target_platforms)) $(filter-out $@,
>> $(target_platforms)); do \
>> -         $(MAKE) -f Tools.gmk download-rpms $(submakevars) TARGET=$$p && \
>> +         $(MAKE) -f Tools.gmk download-rpms $(submakevars) \
>> +              TARGET=$$p PREFIX=$(RESULT)/$@-to-$$p && \
>>            $(MAKE) -f Tools.gmk all $(submakevars) \
>> -             TARGET=$$p || exit 1 ; \
>> +              TARGET=$$p PREFIX=$(RESULT)/$@-to-$$p && \
>> +         $(MAKE) -f Tools.gmk ccache $(submakevars) \
>> +              TARGET=$@ PREFIX=$(RESULT)/$@-to-$$p
>> BUILDDIR=$(OUTPUT_ROOT)/$@/$$p || exit 1 ; \
>>          done
>> -       @echo 'Building ccache program for $@'
>> -       $(MAKE) -f Tools.gmk ccache $(submakevars) TARGET=$@
>>          @echo 'All done"'
>> Notice that we have to build "ccache" for each target because ccache
>> will be installed into the directory specified by "--prefix" at
>> configure time and this is now different for every target. However
>> that's not a big problem, because the time for compiling ccache is
>> negligible compared to the download time of the RPMs and the build
>> time of GCC.
>>   define Mktar
>> -  $(1)_tar = $$(RESULT)/sdk-$(1)-$$(today).tar.gz
>> -  $$($(1)_tar) : PLATFORM = $(1)
>> -  TARFILES += $$($(1)_tar)
>> -  $$($(1)_tar) : $(1) $$(shell find $$(RESULT)/$(1))
>> +  $(1)-to-$(2)_tar = $$(RESULT)/sdk-$(1)-to-$(2)-$$(today).tar.gz
>> +  $$($(1)-to-$(2)_tar) : PLATFORM = $(1)-to-$(2)
>> +  TARFILES += $$($(1)-to-$(2)_tar)
>> +  $$($(1)-to-$(2)_tar) : $$(shell find $$(RESULT)/$(1)-to-$(2) -type f)
>>   endef
>> -$(foreach p,$(host_platforms),$(eval $(call Mktar,$(p))))
>> +$(foreach p,$(host_platforms),$(foreach t,$(target_platforms),$(eval
>> $(call Mktar,$(p),$(t)))))
>> make/devkit/Tools.gmk
>> -PATHEXT = $(RESULT)/$(BUILD)/bin:
>> +PATHEXT = $(PREFIX)/bin:
>> - Various small cleanups
>> make/devkit/Tools.gmk
>> - Don't set  "RESULT" and "PREFIX" in Tools.gmk because the values are
>> overridden by the settings in the calling Makefile anyway:
>>   # Define directories
>> -RESULT := $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/result
>> - Cleanup arch selection:
>>   ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
>> -  RPM_ARCHS := x86_64 noarch
>> +  RPM_ARCHS := $(ARCH) noarch
>>     ifeq ($(BUILD),$(HOST))
>>       ifeq ($(TARGET),$(HOST))
>>         # When building the native compiler for x86_64, enable mixed mode.
>> @@ -199,7 +206,7 @@
>>       endif
>>     endif
>>   else ifeq ($(ARCH),i686)
>> -  RPM_ARCHS := i386 i686 noarch
>> +  RPM_ARCHS := $(ARCH) i386 noarch
>>   else ifeq ($(ARCH), armhfp)
>> - Don't create 'devkit.info' unconditinally. Only build it as part of
>> the "all" target invocation. This prevents the creation of a
>> 'devkit.info' with the wrong "BASE_OS_VERSION" if the Makefile is
>> invoked several times with different "BASE_OS_VERSION" values:
>> -$(PREFIX)/devkit.info: FRC
>> +$(PREFIX)/devkit.info:
>>          @echo 'Creating devkit.info in the root of the kit'
>>          rm -f $@
>>          touch $@
>> @@ -611,7 +623,4 @@
>>   # this is only built for host. so separate.
>>   ccache : $(ccache)
>> -# Force target
>> -FRC:
>> - put the base directory of the devkits into the tar archives. I don't
>> like tar archives which don't have a single top-level directory and
>> expand right into the current working directory :)
>> make/devkit/Makefile
>>   %.tar.gz :
>>          @echo 'Creating compiler package $@'
>> -       cd $(RESULT)/$(PLATFORM) && tar -czf $@ *
>> +       cd $(RESULT) && tar -czf $@ $(PLATFORM)/*
>>          touch $@

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