Building OpenJDK10 with Solaris 11.4 x86_64

Andrew Watkins andrew at
Thu Jan 17 20:45:51 UTC 2019


Just wondered if anyone has tried building OpenJDK10 under Solaris 11.4 
x86_64 yet?

Trying to build it on an solaris-x86_64 and not getting very far.

1) "os_solaris.cpp", line 1666: Error: EM_486 is not defined. Ref:

     Solaris 11.4 has removed EM_486, but that a quick fix is in 

     #ifndef EM_486
     #define EM_486          6               /* Intel 80486 */

2) But then I get tons of the following:

line 165: Error: __pad is not a member of const __FILE.
line 167: Error: __pad is not a member of const __FILE.
line 170: Error: __pad is not a member of __FILE.
line 170: Error: __pad is not a member of __FILE.

Guess need to keep a Solaris 11.3 to compile OpenJDK!



Andrew Watkins * Birkbeck, University of London * Computer Science *
* *
* UKOUG Systems SIG Chair *
* UKOUG Tech committee *
* tel: 020 7631 6720 *

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