Building OpenJDK10 with Solaris 11.4 x86_64

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Jan 17 21:39:53 UTC 2019

Hello Andrew,

JDK 10 is not longer being maintained AFAIK so would be surprised if 
anyone would try to fix this there.

Regarding Solaris 11.4, we at Oracle have not tried building any version 
of the JDK there. We have to stick to the oldest version of Solaris that 
we support to produce binaries that are compatible, and for JDK 12 and 
13 that is (at least for now) 11.3. I don't remember exactly which 
version it was for JDK 11.


On 2019-01-17 12:45, Andrew Watkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondered if anyone has tried building OpenJDK10 under Solaris 
> 11.4 x86_64 yet?
> Trying to build it on an solaris-x86_64 and not getting very far.
> 1) "os_solaris.cpp", line 1666: Error: EM_486 is not defined. Ref: 
>     Solaris 11.4 has removed EM_486, but that a quick fix is in 
> os_solaris.cpp:
>     #ifndef EM_486
>     #define EM_486          6               /* Intel 80486 */
>     #endif
> 2) But then I get tons of the following:
> "/opt/developerstudio124/lib/compilers/include/CC/stlport4/stl/_stdio_file.h", 
> line 165: Error: __pad is not a member of const __FILE.
> "/opt/developerstudio124/lib/compilers/include/CC/stlport4/stl/_stdio_file.h", 
> line 167: Error: __pad is not a member of const __FILE.
> "/opt/developerstudio124/lib/compilers/include/CC/stlport4/stl/_stdio_file.h", 
> line 170: Error: __pad is not a member of __FILE.
> "/opt/developerstudio124/lib/compilers/include/CC/stlport4/stl/_stdio_file.h", 
> line 170: Error: __pad is not a member of __FILE.
> Guess need to keep a Solaris 11.3 to compile OpenJDK!
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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