jdk11 LIBZIP build and 8201349: build broken when configured with --with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Fri Feb 21 12:45:19 UTC 2020

Hello,  we were running into  build errors  recently  when using gcc-7   and  with-zlib=bundled    in jdk11u-dev .
This combination worked nicely in jdk/jdk .

Reason is that in jdk11 we do not have :

8201349: build broken when configured with --with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3


which unfortunately has a predecessor

8211029: Have a common set of enabled warnings for all native libraries


I'd like to have   the  gcc - warning disablements for   LIBJLI  / LIBZIP ,  but taking over the large patch   8211029    to  11   looks a bit too much .

Should I just post a separate patch  for jdk11u-dev  with the gcc warning disablements  for  LIBJLI / LIBZIP :

DISABLED_WARNINGS_gcc := unused-function implicit-fallthrough, \

? This fixes our build issues and sounds reasonable and small .

Thanks, Matthias

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