Change for 8248135: Build microbenchmarks with --enable-preview makes other non-preview JMH benchmarks to fail

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Tue Jul 7 09:10:19 UTC 2020

Yes, Chris, this is the same thing. I wasn't aware of it.


On 7/7/20 11:00 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Peter,
> 8248429 [1] tracks this issue, right?
> There was a recent thread on build-dev relating to this, in the form of an RFR from Jorn :
> Some great discussion was had, but I’m not sure that a conclusion was reached yet.
> 8248429 is the same issue, right?
> -Chris.
> [1]
>> On 7 Jul 2020, at 09:41, Peter Levart <peter.levart at> wrote:
>> A quick work-around for anyone wanting to run the microbenchmarks is to pass --enable-preview explicitly. For example:
>> make test TEST="" MICRO="JAVA_OPTIONS=--enable-preview"
>> Regards, Peter
>> On 7/7/20 10:23 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>> On 7/7/20 10:13 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> cc Claes
>>>> On 7/07/2020 5:59 pm, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Recently I proposed and pushed a change for [1] which adds --enable-preview option to javac compilation of JMH microbenchmarks in general to enable running a benchmark that uses preview feature (Records). This makes the class files produced marked with version 60.65535. The benchmark that uses preview feature executes without problems because it explicitly specifies the following in its code:
>>>>> @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0, jvmArgsAppend = "--enable-preview")
>>>>> Recently I wanted to run JMH benchmarks for Stream ops with:
>>>>> make test TEST=""
>>>>> ...but all of them fail to run with the following exception:
>>>>> java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Preview features are not enabled for org/openjdk/bench/java/util/stream/ops/value/generated/NoneMatchShort_seq_start_jmhTest (class file version 60.65535). Try running with '--enable-preview'
>>>>> What shall we do? Add similar annotation to all of them? Is there a way to specify that all micro benchmarks should be run with --enable-preview option passed to java?
>>>> So this breaks running all non-preview using benchmarks? If so I say we need to backout the change for 8248135 while a proper solution is found.
>>> I guess it does break (at least the way I tried to run them). The problem is that this little change:
>>> --- a/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk    Wed Jun 24 01:02:19 2020 +0200
>>> +++ b/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk    Wed Jun 24 11:05:09 2020 +0200
>>> @@ -90,10 +90,11 @@
>>>       SMALL_JAVA := false, \
>>> -    DISABLED_WARNINGS := processing rawtypes cast serial, \
>>> +    DISABLED_WARNINGS := processing rawtypes cast serial preview, \
>>>       SRC := $(MICROBENCHMARK_SRC), \
>>>       JAVA_FLAGS := --add-modules jdk.unsupported --limit-modules, \
>>> +    JAVAC_FLAGS := --enable-preview, \
>>>   ))
>>> ...was pushed as part of larger fix for 8247532 which has already been forward and backported. So I think backing out the whole patch (which is perfectly OK by itself) would cause more problems then fixing this particular problem in a followup, given that we can find a fix quickly. Its has been 14 days since the above was pushed and nobody noticed until now, so I guess this is not a big problem?
>>> Regards, Peter
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> Regards, Peter

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