RFR (S): 8241947: Minor comment fixes for system property handling

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Tue Mar 31 18:46:06 UTC 2020

Hi Magnus,

>  From a build perspective this looks fine.

Thanks for the review.

> But it seems you are changing the interface for java.lang.System. Don't
> you need a CSR for that? Or is your claim that the interface was indeed
> changed by JDK-8197927, and it is a bug that the documentation was not
> updated to match this?

Yes, the second is true. The interface/spec was already changed with JDK-8197927 which also has a CSR attached. The commit is this: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/d80becbcd3c1.
What I'm modifying here is only the non API relevant doc of the private field props. The actual interface is documented in the Javadoc of method java.lang.System::getProperties().


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