RFR: 8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports (build system)

Mikael Vidstedt mikael.vidstedt at oracle.com
Wed May 6 22:52:04 UTC 2020

Magnus, thank you so much for the thorough review!! Will send out a new webrev in a bit, meanwhile some comments inline..

> On May 6, 2020, at 4:04 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Mikael,
> On 2020-05-04 07:12, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>> Please review this change which implements part of JEP 381:
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244224
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8244224/webrev.00/build/open/webrev/
> It's a massive change. So you're getting a massive review from me. :-)
> In the following comments, the line numbers refer to the old files. (I realize now that it might have been more convenient for you to have the new numbers. I'm sorry I did not think of it before.)

Not a problem!

> ---
> First of all, I notice that you have not updated any copyright years. Do you plan to do that by a script before pushing?

Correct - whether I’ll end up using a script or not remains to be seen, but I’ll fix the copyright years when the reviews/changes have settled down a bit. I chose not to change all the copyright years since that would distract from the “actual” changes, and also pretty much guarantee conflicts when I pull in the latest changes.. It’s challenging enough as it is :)

> ---
> Several variables are not needed anymore and can be removed. These include:
> * TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM. Remove from Bundles.gmk, autoconf/basic_tools.m4 and autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
> * ELFEDIT. Remove from autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
> * STLPORT_LIB. Remove from autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
> * SA_LDFLAGS. Remove from modules/jdk.hotspot.agent/Lib.gmk.
> * GLOBAL_LIBS (as has been noted by Kim as well). Remove from common/NativeCompilation.gmk, autoconf/spec.gmk.in and autoconf/libraries.m4.
> * LDFLAGS_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS was (unfortunately!) only supported on solstudio. No reason to keep it anymore. Remove from common/NativeCompilation.gmk, autoconf/flags-ldflags.m4 and autoconf/spec.gmk.in.

Fixed all of the above.

> * GNM is not needed anymore, but there is certainly a need for related cleanup (we do not need the if statement, but could use "UTIL_CHECK_TOOLS(NM, nm gcc-nm)" for all platforms). I understand if you do not want to mess around with it, let me know and I'll file a separate follow-up bug.

Would definitely appreciate if you could file a follow-up, thank you!

> ---
> In some places we used to have a variable that was passed into Setup*Compilation, but the variable was removed. However, the argument to the function was left in place. (Make do not warn for unknown variables, unfortunately.)
> Awt2dLibraries.gmk:    ASFLAGS := $(LIBAWT_ASFLAGS), \


> Also, the documentation of SetupNativeCompilation has not been updated to match the implementation. Please remove the the "REORDER" line there as well.

I’ve removed REORDER completely now. For completeness: In webrev.00 I (only) removed C_FLAG_REORDER, and didn’t touch the REORDER argument to SetupNativeCompilation. As you noted though, the REORDER functionality is not actually used anywhere - that is true even in mainline today. Turns out the last uses of the REORDER functionality disappeared with https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200178 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200178> / http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/396ea30afbd5 <http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/396ea30afbd5> authored by … would you look at that - “ihse”! Wonder who that is? ;)

> ---
> For dtrace, I want to make sure that the removal is complete (cleanse it with fire, please! :-)).
> The build tool generateJvmOffsets is not used anymore, so generateJvmOffsets.cpp can be removed (actually, that means the entire hotspot/src/native/).
> I assume you remove src/java.base/solaris/native/libjvm_dtrace and libjvm_db in the core-libs patch, right?
> I also want to make sure that you actually remove hotspot_jni.d, hotspot.d and hs_private.d from src/hotspot/os/posix/dtrace, and src/hotspot/os/solaris/dtrace/jhelper.d. (Done in the hotspot patch, I hope.)

I will not remove all traces of dtrace (no pun intended) as part of this JEP, but (separate from this JEP) we should certainly discuss and decide how to move forward with dtrace on the other platforms. The stuff under src/java.base/solaris is indeed removed as part of the core-libs patch, and the src/hotspot/os/solaris stuff is removed as part of the hotspot patch, but AFAICT the src/hotspot/os/posix/dtrace files still do get picked up by the logic in GensrcDtrace.gmk so I’m going to leave those files untouched. Let me know if I’m missing something.

> ----
> More cleanup in lib-freetype.m4:
> On line 95:
>   # will report an error. On other platforms (Linux), they will
> Remove the "(Linux)"; this applies to AIX as well so this specification is both unnecessary and incorrect. (The best kind of wrong! :-))

Fixed. :)

> On line 170 and forwards:
>               # On solaris, pkg_check adds -lz to freetype libs, which isn't
>               # necessary for us.
>               FREETYPE_LIBS=`$ECHO $FREETYPE_LIBS | $SED 's/-lz//g'`
> Remove these lines, they are not needed anymore.

Fixed (I had that on my follow-up list because I wasn’t 100% sure if it was in fact Solaris-specific).

> ---
> Some changes I believe you need to revert to keep Zero working on linux-sparc:
> In flags.m4, line 268:
>    test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH" = xsparc ||
> In jvm-features.m4, line 324:
>         test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS-$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "xlinux-sparcv9"; then
> and line 451:
>           if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS-$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "xlinux-sparcv9"; then
> In platform.m4, lines 327-330:
>       elif test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH" = "xsparc"; then
>         OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU=sparc
>         AC_MSG_ERROR([Reduced build (--with-target-bits=32) is only supported on x86_64 and sparcv9])
> and all the changes between lines 456-487.
> In CompileJvm.gmk, line 63:
> else ifeq ($(call isTargetCpu, sparcv9), true)
> JvmFeatures.gmk, line 53:
> This is explicitly done in a check for zero! It needs to be kept. This also implies that at least the file src/hotspot/cpu/sparc/memset_with_concurrent_readers_sparc.cpp will be needed to keep for zero, as well.

I’m counting on somebody (hello Adrian! :)) to provide the list of changes which would have to be reverted/preserved to support zero, otherwise we’ll just be guessing..

> ---
> In RunTestPrebuilt.gmk, line 191:
> # ... all others use uname -m
> This comment is not relevant anymore.


> ---
> And finally, I want to draw attention to this gold nugget in CompileDemos.gmk:
> ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, solaris), true)
>   TARGETS += $(patsubst $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject/%, \
>     $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/demos/image/nbproject/%, \
>     $(call FindFiles, $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject))
> else
>   TARGETS += $(patsubst $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject/%, \
>     $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/demos/image/nbproject/%, \
>     $(call FindFiles, $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject))
> endif
> LOL! :-D Good thing you cleared this up. :)

I remember staring at that one for a really long time, not seeing what was actually different and not understanding what that meant for my change. Had to go back in the mercurial history to double-check my (in)sanity. :)


>> JEP: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241787
>> Note: When reviewing this, please be aware that this exercise was *extremely* mind-numbing, so I appreciate your help reviewing all the individual changes carefully. You may want to get that coffee cup filled up (or whatever keeps you awake)!
>> Background:
>> Because of the size of the total patch and wide range of areas touched, this patch is one out of in total six partial patches which together make up the necessary changes to remove the Solaris and SPARC ports. The other patches are being sent out for review to mailing lists appropriate for the respective areas the touch. An email will be sent to jdk-dev summarizing all the patches/reviews. To be clear: this patch is *not* in itself complete and stand-alone - all of the (six) patches are needed to form a complete patch. Some changes in this patch may look wrong or incomplete unless also looking at the corresponding changes in other areas.
>> For convenience, I’m including a link below[1] to the full webrev, but in case you have comments on changes in other areas, outside of the files included in this thread, please provide those comments directly in the thread on the appropriate mailing list for that area if possible.
>> In case it helps, the changes were effectively produced by searching for and updating any code mentioning “solaris", “sparc”, “solstudio”, “sunos”, etc. More information about the areas impacted can be found in the JEP itself.
>> Testing:
>> A slightly earlier version of this change successfully passed tier1-8, as well as client tier1-2. Additional testing will be done after the first round of reviews has been completed.
>> Cheers,
>> Mikael
>> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8244224/webrev.00/all/open/webrev/

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