RFR: 8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports (build system)
Magnus Ihse Bursie
magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Thu May 7 07:14:07 UTC 2020
On 2020-05-07 00:52, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
> Magnus, thank you so much for the thorough review!! Will send out a
> new webrev in a bit, meanwhile some comments inline..
>> On May 6, 2020, at 4:04 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie
>> <magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
>> <mailto:magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Mikael,
>> On 2020-05-04 07:12, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>>> Please review this change which implements part of JEP 381:
>>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244224
>>> webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8244224/webrev.00/build/open/webrev/
>> It's a massive change. So you're getting a massive review from me. :-)
>> In the following comments, the line numbers refer to the old files.
>> (I realize now that it might have been more convenient for you to
>> have the new numbers. I'm sorry I did not think of it before.)
> Not a problem!
>> ---
>> First of all, I notice that you have not updated any copyright years.
>> Do you plan to do that by a script before pushing?
> Correct - whether I’ll end up using a script or not remains to be
> seen, but I’ll fix the copyright years when the reviews/changes have
> settled down a bit. I chose not to change all the copyright years
> since that would distract from the “actual” changes, and also pretty
> much guarantee conflicts when I pull in the latest changes.. It’s
> challenging enough as it is :)
>> ---
>> Several variables are not needed anymore and can be removed. These
>> include:
>> * TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM. Remove from Bundles.gmk,
>> autoconf/basic_tools.m4 and autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
>> * ELFEDIT. Remove from autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
>> * STLPORT_LIB. Remove from autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
>> * SA_LDFLAGS. Remove from modules/jdk.hotspot.agent/Lib.gmk.
>> * GLOBAL_LIBS (as has been noted by Kim as well). Remove from
>> common/NativeCompilation.gmk, autoconf/spec.gmk.in and
>> autoconf/libraries.m4.
>> * LDFLAGS_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS was (unfortunately!) only supported on
>> solstudio. No reason to keep it anymore. Remove from
>> common/NativeCompilation.gmk, autoconf/flags-ldflags.m4 and
>> autoconf/spec.gmk.in.
> Fixed all of the above.
>> * GNM is not needed anymore, but there is certainly a need for
>> related cleanup (we do not need the if statement, but could use
>> "UTIL_CHECK_TOOLS(NM, nm gcc-nm)" for all platforms). I understand if
>> you do not want to mess around with it, let me know and I'll file a
>> separate follow-up bug.
> Would definitely appreciate if you could file a follow-up, thank you!
Ok, will do.
>> ---
>> In some places we used to have a variable that was passed into
>> Setup*Compilation, but the variable was removed. However, the
>> argument to the function was left in place. (Make do not warn for
>> unknown variables, unfortunately.)
>> lib/CompileJvm.gmk: EXTRA_OBJECT_FILES :=
>> Awt2dLibraries.gmk: ASFLAGS := $(LIBAWT_ASFLAGS), \
> Fixed.
>> Also, the documentation of SetupNativeCompilation has not been
>> updated to match the implementation. Please remove the the "REORDER"
>> line there as well.
> I’ve removed REORDER completely now. For completeness: In webrev.00 I
> (only) removed C_FLAG_REORDER, and didn’t touch the REORDER argument
> to SetupNativeCompilation. As you noted though, the REORDER
> functionality is not actually used anywhere - that is true even in
> mainline today. Turns out the last uses of the REORDER functionality
> disappeared with https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200178 /
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/396ea30afbd5 authored by …
> would you look at that - “ihse”! Wonder who that is? ;)
Ah, I see. I missed the fact that you removed C_FLAG_REORDER and not
REORDER. Thank you for cleaning up after me anyway. :-)
>> ---
>> For dtrace, I want to make sure that the removal is complete (cleanse
>> it with fire, please! :-)).
>> The build tool generateJvmOffsets is not used anymore, so
>> generateJvmOffsets.cpp can be removed (actually, that means the
>> entire hotspot/src/native/).
>> I assume you remove src/java.base/solaris/native/libjvm_dtrace and
>> libjvm_db in the core-libs patch, right?
>> I also want to make sure that you actually remove hotspot_jni.d,
>> hotspot.d and hs_private.d from src/hotspot/os/posix/dtrace, and
>> src/hotspot/os/solaris/dtrace/jhelper.d. (Done in the hotspot patch,
>> I hope.)
> I will not remove all traces of dtrace (no pun intended) as part of
> this JEP, but (separate from this JEP) we should certainly discuss and
> decide how to move forward with dtrace on the other platforms. The
> stuff under src/java.base/solaris is indeed removed as part of the
> core-libs patch, and the src/hotspot/os/solaris stuff is removed as
> part of the hotspot patch, but AFAICT the src/hotspot/os/posix/dtrace
> files still do get picked up by the logic in GensrcDtrace.gmk so I’m
> going to leave those files untouched. Let me know if I’m missing
> something.
Ok, I probably came across as too aggressive towards dtrace here. I do
not mean that I want all of dtrace removed. The parts that are
cross-platform are quite sane, at least from a build perspective. It's
all the messy meddling things that dtrace for solaris did that I dislike.
I double-checked now, and you are correct that the
src/hotspot/os/posix/dtrace files are still needed. I don't know how I
managed to believe they were not used before. (The power of wishful
thinking, perhaps.)
>> ----
>> More cleanup in lib-freetype.m4:
>> On line 95:
>> # will report an error. On other platforms (Linux), they will
>> Remove the "(Linux)"; this applies to AIX as well so this
>> specification is both unnecessary and incorrect. (The best kind of
>> wrong! :-))
> Fixed. :)
>> On line 170 and forwards:
>> # On solaris, pkg_check adds -lz to freetype libs,
>> which isn't
>> # necessary for us.
>> Remove these lines, they are not needed anymore.
> Fixed (I had that on my follow-up list because I wasn’t 100% sure if
> it was in fact Solaris-specific).
>> ---
>> Some changes I believe you need to revert to keep Zero working on
>> linux-sparc:
>> In flags.m4, line 268:
>> test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH" = xsparc ||
>> In jvm-features.m4, line 324:
>> "xlinux-sparcv9"; then
>> and line 451:
>> "xlinux-sparcv9"; then
>> In platform.m4, lines 327-330:
>> elif test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH" = "xsparc"; then
>> AC_MSG_ERROR([Reduced build (--with-target-bits=32) is only
>> supported on x86_64 and sparcv9])
>> and all the changes between lines 456-487.
>> In CompileJvm.gmk, line 63:
>> else ifeq ($(call isTargetCpu, sparcv9), true)
>> JvmFeatures.gmk, line 53:
>> This is explicitly done in a check for zero! It needs to be kept.
>> This also implies that at least the file
>> src/hotspot/cpu/sparc/memset_with_concurrent_readers_sparc.cpp will
>> be needed to keep for zero, as well.
> I’m counting on somebody (hello Adrian! :)) to provide the list of
> changes which would have to be reverted/preserved to support zero,
> otherwise we’ll just be guessing..
>> ---
>> In RunTestPrebuilt.gmk, line 191:
>> # ... all others use uname -m
>> This comment is not relevant anymore.
> Fixed.
>> ---
>> And finally, I want to draw attention to this gold nugget in
>> CompileDemos.gmk:
>> ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, solaris), true)
>> TARGETS += $(patsubst $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject/%, \
>> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/demos/image/nbproject/%, \
>> $(call FindFiles, $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject))
>> else
>> TARGETS += $(patsubst $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject/%, \
>> $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/demos/image/nbproject/%, \
>> $(call FindFiles, $(DEMO_SHARE_SRC)/nbproject))
>> endif
>> LOL! :-D Good thing you cleared this up. :)
> I remember staring at that one for a really long time, not seeing what
> was actually different and not understanding what that meant for my
> change. Had to go back in the mercurial history to double-check my
> (in)sanity. :)
> Cheers,
> Mikael
>>> JEP: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241787
>>> Note: When reviewing this, please be aware that this exercise was
>>> *extremely* mind-numbing, so I appreciate your help reviewing all
>>> the individual changes carefully. You may want to get that coffee
>>> cup filled up (or whatever keeps you awake)!
>>> Background:
>>> Because of the size of the total patch and wide range of areas
>>> touched, this patch is one out of in total six partial patches which
>>> together make up the necessary changes to remove the Solaris and
>>> SPARC ports. The other patches are being sent out for review to
>>> mailing lists appropriate for the respective areas the touch. An
>>> email will be sent to jdk-dev summarizing all the patches/reviews.
>>> To be clear: this patch is *not* in itself complete and stand-alone
>>> - all of the (six) patches are needed to form a complete patch. Some
>>> changes in this patch may look wrong or incomplete unless also
>>> looking at the corresponding changes in other areas.
>>> For convenience, I’m including a link below[1] to the full webrev,
>>> but in case you have comments on changes in other areas, outside of
>>> the files included in this thread, please provide those comments
>>> directly in the thread on the appropriate mailing list for that area
>>> if possible.
>>> In case it helps, the changes were effectively produced by searching
>>> for and updating any code mentioning “solaris", “sparc”,
>>> “solstudio”, “sunos”, etc. More information about the areas impacted
>>> can be found in the JEP itself.
>>> Testing:
>>> A slightly earlier version of this change successfully passed
>>> tier1-8, as well as client tier1-2. Additional testing will be done
>>> after the first round of reviews has been completed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mikael
>>> [1]
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8244224/webrev.00/all/open/webrev/
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