[Draft] RFR: 8241463: Move build tools to respective modules

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Feb 9 20:00:53 UTC 2021

On 09/02/2021 11:18, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> This is a re-post of a change that was posted as webrev prior to the 
> Github migration. It is not ready for integration as-is, since it 
> needs to be rebased to the current HEAD, and that is bound to be a 
> non-trivial operation after this much time.
> However, I think it is relevant to have this available as a Github 
> review, in light of the closely relatedJDK-8257733. The idea of 
> posting this draft review is to make it easier for reviewers to 
> visualize the end result of both JDK-8241463 and 
> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8257733.>JDK-8257733. 
> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8257733.>
> This patch will move the source code for the build tools into their 
> respective modules, in a separate|tools|directory.
> Draft review: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/2475
It might be worth summarizing in a few lines what the proposal is.

My reading of it of pull/2475 is that the build tools used to generate 
source files, resources, or other files for the lib directory are moved 
into src/$MODULE/share/tools. I assume this is compatible with the 
source paths that the idea.sh script emits so it won't get confused with 
the source code for the module.

There are a couple of tools that digest data files imported from 
upstream to create source files and resources for more than one module 
and they aren't moving at this time, right? There is also the checked in 
jdwp.spec that is processed by a tool at build time to generate sources 
for 2 modules, that one might be a bit awkward too.

Are there any other high-level points that we should know about?


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