[Draft] RFR: 8241463: Move build tools to respective modules

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Tue Feb 9 11:18:10 UTC 2021

This is a re-post of a change that was posted as webrev prior to the 
Github migration. It is not ready for integration as-is, since it needs 
to be rebased to the current HEAD, and that is bound to be a non-trivial 
operation after this much time.

However, I think it is relevant to have this available as a Github 
review, in light of the closely relatedJDK-8257733. The idea of posting 
this draft review is to make it easier for reviewers to visualize the 
end result of both JDK-8241463 and 

This patch will move the source code for the build tools into their 
respective modules, in a separate|tools|directory.

Draft review: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/2475


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