[EXTERNAL] Re: GitHub workflows using setup-java action instead of hardcoded URLs

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jul 12 09:30:20 UTC 2022

On 12/07/2022 10:23, George Adams wrote:
> H David,
> The key difference is that we wouldn’t nee to keep updating the full 
> version number/checksum. We could ofcourse use the 
> oracle-actions/setup-java 
> <https://github.com/oracle-actions/setup-java> and do something like 
> this:   - name: 'Set up latest Oracle JDK 18'
>     uses: oracle-actions/setup-java at v1
>     with:
>       website: oracle.com
>       release: 18
> I’m more than happy to leave the codebase as it is but I don’t like 
> the way that we have to keep updating the version number/checksum.
Bumping the version of the boot JDK is something that happens during 
every release, usually soon after the GA of the previous release. I 
don't think you can avoid that.

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