[EXTERNAL] Re: GitHub workflows using setup-java action instead of hardcoded URLs

George Adams George.Adams at microsoft.com
Tue Jul 12 10:04:59 UTC 2022

Yes sorry, perhaps I didn’t make that very clear


From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
Date: Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 11:04
To: George Adams <George.Adams at microsoft.com>, build-dev at openjdk.org <build-dev at openjdk.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: GitHub workflows using setup-java action instead of hardcoded URLs
On 12/07/2022 10:35, George Adams wrote:

Hu Alan,

By using the setup-java action with release set to a major version (e.g 18) it will always pull the latest GA build of OpenJDK for that version. E.g 18 currently sets up jdk-18.0.1+10 in the GitHub actions environment. The point is that by switching to using a setup-java action it would be one fewer task to complete after each GA tag is released.

So I think you are asking if the boot JDK is bumped when there is an update of the boot JDK released.

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