RFR: 8317510: Change Windows debug symbol files naming to avoid losing info when an executable and a library share the same name [v3]

Frederic Thevenet fthevenet at openjdk.org
Fri Oct 20 16:42:39 UTC 2023

On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:46:35 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <ihse at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Indeed, I see no reason to rush the integration for this before we've resolved the failing test.
>> I can confirm that outside of the context of GHA, the `test-prebuilt` target does not properly resolve _relative_ paths that are passed to SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR, but works fine with absolute path.
>> This is therefore likely *not* the reason for the test failing in GHA, since this uses absolute paths (i.e. `/d/a/jdk/jdk/bundles/symbols/jdk-22/fastdebug`). 
>> This is still annoying, as the other paths used as parameters by the same `test-prebuilt` do accept related paths, but beside the point here, so I'll leave it at that for now and maybe come back to it in separately.
>> Meanwhile, I have instrumented the GHA test workflow as @magicus suggested and waiting for the results.
> @fthevenet Did the instrumentation give anything?

@magicus As a matter of fact, it did yield some interesting resutls, but then I got quite caught up with the release earlier this week and this and didn't find the time to update this thread.

The listing of the folder that is passed as a parameter to the test run shows it contains the pdb files with the expected names (e.g. jvm.dll.pdb). You can see an example of that in the "Check symbols" step in the run below:

I also added a print out of the values for SYMBOL_PATH and _NT_SYMBOL_PATH when they are first assigned (see https://github.com/fthevenet/jdk/commit/5655ca70b20767401905a86ac41be8035b686dff#diff-041bf69ea79b333b9ce99c1f879e398d698538530a35c361500b72631f059233R70), but to my surprise I could not see those in the test run logs from GHA, while are indeed printed when I run the test locally.

One notable difference I noticed, is that I run all my local tests using cygwin, while GHA uses MSYS2; could this explain anything?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16039#issuecomment-1773057334

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