Move to JDK8

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Dec 13 08:59:48 PST 2011

Fantastic stuff.

Can you supply the instructions for using configure again? Do I need to add any files before running ./configure && make?


hg clone newjdk8
cd newjdk8
sh ./

I'll start trying it on various OS-ARCH combos and also with the closed builds.


On Dec 13, 2011, at 6:36 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:

> Hello,
> I just pushed a whole lot to the JDK8 build-infra-dev forest. I will try to explain what it's all about.
> At the start of this project, we were working with the assumption that we would build more or less a complete solution and then get to push it in as a replacement for the old build system. Over time we have realized that would be hard, both for consumers getting it all in their face at once, and for us, having to make sure we cover everything in one go. We recently decided to instead try to get small chunks in at a time, and instead of replacing the old system, add it as an alternate system until we make the switch. This way, we will get a lot more visibility and people will be able to try it out in their actual daily work.
> So far we have been working in a jdk7 forest, basically a copy of what was released as jdk7. But since the project is targeting jdk8, this doesn't really make much sense. It's time to move our work to a jdk8 forest.
> So what is actually in my push? First I synced up with the JDK8 master. I then started moving the build infra changes in, one repo at a time. The following are done:
> root
> langtools
> corba
> jaxp (including committing the exploded drops)
> jaxws (including committing the exploded drops)
> hotspot
> And still to be done:
> jdk
> In each repo (where applicable) there is a new directory "makefiles" in which the new makefiles reside. Exceptions to this are hotspot and the root. In hotspot the existing makefiles have been modified to be compatible with both the new and old. In the root, everything new is in the directory "common".
> The common directory in root has the following layout:
> common/src - Source files for small tools needed by the build.
> common/makefiles - New makefiles including the main "Makefile"
> common/bin - Utility executables (scripts)
> common/autoconf - The configure script and the source for it.
> common/autoconf/build-aux - The third party autoconf files that we still need to download separately.
> To build using the new build system in the build-infra-dev jdk8 forest, change directory to "common/makefiles" and:
> ../autoconf/configure --disable-javac-server --disable-javac-deps --disable-javac-multi-core
> make
> Notes: The javac server currently isn't working, so it needs to be disabled. The jdk repo isn't converted yet so the build will fail when hotspot is done.
> Building in the old way should work just as before.
> As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!
> /Erik

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