Changes to be pushed into jdk8/build

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Sep 12 17:09:22 PDT 2012

Hi Kelly,

I tok a look through the areas that relate to the custom config/build 
changes and cross-compilation and things seem okay. Hard to tell from 
webrevs though and this is such a complex area. I also need to see the 
changes on the closed side of things.

A couple of trivial comments below.


- common/autoconf/

Minor typo:
+ # Make the comaper script executable


- common/autoconf/platform.m4

408 # Make compilation sanity check
  409 AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdio.h], , [
  410   AC_MSG_NOTICE([Failed to compile stdio.h. This likely implies 
missing compile dependencies.])
  411   AC_MSG_NOTICE([If you are using reduced build, try installing 
package for libc6-dev-i386 or similar])
  412   AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot continue.])
  413 ])

Not sure if this will "just work" on full cross-compiles. Also the 
message seems too linux specific (and you need lots of i386 packages 
installed to do full 32-bit builds on 64-bit linux).



Not sure what this change has to do with anything :) Seems like the code 
involved here is pretty confused about data type sizes.


On 12/09/2012 12:19 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> This is the webrev I came up with for openjdk8:
> 7197849: Update new build-infra makefiles
> The hotspot changes should probably go in a different way, perhaps jdk8/hotspot-rt/hotspot.
> The langtools changes I don't plan on integrating.
> -kto

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