FINAL PROJECT: Common Virtual Machine Interface

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Tue Aug 5 00:04:50 PDT 2008

On 05/08/2008, Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew at> wrote:
> Dear all,
>  This e-mail constitutes the submission of the CVMI project for the
>  OpenJDK challenge.  The main source of documentation for this project
>  is currently:
>  and the two Mercurial repositories:
>  The first repository contains an OpenJDK tree with changes made in
>  experimentation with a new CVMI variant.  At present, this is just a
>  proof of concept, java.lang.Object/java.lang.VMObject as there is
>  still more work to be done in this area.
>  The second contains a port of JamVM to the OpenJDK VM interface.  This
>  is nearly at the point of being able to start a HelloWorld application
>  (it gets as far as trying to load in some of the non-existent VM
>  methods in OpenJDK, having initialised JNI, threads, etc.).  Changes
>  on the CVMI port will hopefully complete this work.
>  I'd like to close this mail by thanking Sun and the OpenJDK community
>  for the opportunity to participate in this challenge.  I had hoped to
>  produce more in the way of code, but time has unfortunately not been
>  on my side.  However, I feel much more benefit has been gained from
>  having the opportunity to work on the OpenJDK codebase and that the
>  documentation I have produced so far and my own expanded knowledge
>  will turn out to be the more valuable product of this challenge.
>  Back at the start of the challenge period, I had very little knowledge
>  of the OpenJDK source code.  Since then, I have also worked a lot with
>  the IcedTea hackers, patching and building this code base and although
>  this isn't an explicit product of this challenge, this has resulted in
>  an up-to-date IcedTea tree for JDK7, thus easing the process of
>  working on OpenJDK and allowing further experimentation with new
>  ideas.
>  My hope is that this project can continue post-challenge, and that the
>  end of this period will now allow others to get involved and truly
>  produce a VM interface we can all benefit from.

As an addendum to my last mail, I thought I should clarify that I
don't expect the JamVM code base in its entirety to be submitted under
the SCA.  Rather the explicit products I can submit under these terms
are my own works:

* The patches to JamVM (with the possible exception of the patch to as this was adapted from CACAO)
* Any work on the CVMI OpenJDK tree
* The documentation noted above.

Hope that clarifies things,
Andrew :-)

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