Classfile API CodeElement.Kind cleanup

Adam Sotona adam.sotona at
Thu Oct 13 18:26:17 UTC 2022

I’ve split impl.AbstractInstruction into impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction so no nulls anymore.

On 13.10.2022 19:20, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at> wrote:

Overall this change looks fine.  I would rather keep the Opcode values for the pseudos, though, because I would rather not use null as a sentinel (see the constructors for, eg, ExceptionCatchImpl, which passes null to its super-ctor.)  Even if this is the only place these are used; these nulls are an error waiting to happen.  (This seems like a small bit to roll back.)

On 10/12/2022 2:57 AM, Adam Sotona wrote:
It seems that there are some issues delivering my replies, so forwarding directly:

I’ve prepared CodeElement.Kind cleanup pull request:
1.       CodeElement.Kind moved to Opcode
2.       CodeElement::opcode and CodeElement::sizeInBytes moved down to Instruction
3.       removed all pseudo Opcodes and Kinds
Please review.


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