Allow overriding lp and lpr binary paths in PSPrintJob

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri Oct 22 17:05:08 UTC 2021

Well ..

1) Please read the comment the bots added to your PR.
There are steps you need to take before we can even look at your 

2) PRs need a JBS bug ID else the bots will  still reject it.
You'll need to submit an RFE at and go from there.

3) I understand your problem up to a point but we'd need to think about 
the proposed solution
and why your Linux doesn't put lpr in the standard place. There could be 
security concerns about allowing such an over-ride.
Perhaps you need a port of OpenJDK to that distro which you don't name ?


On 10/22/21 5:42 AM, Rolf van Kleef wrote:
> I am not sure about whether this is the correct list for this, or whether this is an appropriate
> message for this list, but I have been told to send an email here regarding a PR I submitted on
> GitHub.
> I recently ran into trouble with printing on Linux, where the lpr binary was on a non-standard path
> (not in /usr/bin/lpr). After looking in the code, I found out that this path cannot be overridden.
> It seems that such paths should be able to be overriden, and so, I propose to add a system property
> named "sun.print.lprPath" and "sun.print.lpPath" to override these paths. See the PR below.
> Regards,
> Rolf van Kleef

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