RFR: 8024624: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] CTRL+RIGHT(LEFT) doesn't move selection on next cell in JTable on Aqua L&F

Sergey Bylokhov serb at openjdk.java.net
Sat Mar 12 00:10:43 UTC 2022

On Fri, 11 Mar 2022 23:13:15 GMT, DamonGuy <duke at openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> Aqua L&F tables lacked support for `CTRL+ARROW`, `CTRL+PG_UP/DOWN`, and `CTRL+SHIFT+PG_UP/DOWN` key bindings. This allows for navigation and selection of table cells without the need of a mouse and without deselecting the current selected cell group. 
> Those key bindings are added to Aqua's key bindings for tables. The `SPACE` key binding was also added because it allows for the selection of cells after navigating using the `CTRL+ARROW` bindings, and some of the new bindings are only useful with the `SPACE` binding added. The closed test that this bug originates from tests for both left-to-right and right-to-left functionality, so the new directional bindings are also added to the right-to-left key bindings table where needed.
> This requires mission control shortcuts in macOS to be disabled as `CTRL+ARROW` keys are normally used for virtual desktop navigation.

What shortcuts are used by the native macOS applications for such navigation? Aqua should align bihaviour to the native app and not other cross platform L&F or windows/linux.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7792

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