RFR: 6972078: Can not select single directory with GTKLookAndFeel [v2]

Abhishek Kumar duke at openjdk.org
Wed Nov 2 10:58:36 UTC 2022

On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:37:07 GMT, Abhishek Kumar <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

>I guess you can see in folders where you have only files...Testwise, maybe use File.createTempFile for creating files and see..

I tried modifying the test case for different selection mode for all LAFs. 
In case of FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES and DIRECTORIES_ONLY, the test passed in all LAFs.
But when the selection mode is set to FILES_ONLY, the UI in GTK doesn't show the file lists and test is failing.

However If I test manually for each selection mode,  the behavior is same for all LAFs.

1) In case of FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES, able to select single as well as multiple directories or files.
2) In case of DIRECTORIES_ONLY, able to select single as well as multiple directories but not files.
3) In case of FILES_ONLY, able to select single as well as multiple files but not directories.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10866

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