RFR: 8312075: FileChooser.win32.newFolder is not updated when changing Locale [v2]

Alexey Ivanov aivanov at openjdk.org
Wed Aug 9 13:47:37 UTC 2023

On Wed, 9 Aug 2023 06:02:30 GMT, Tejesh R <tr at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Re-opening the PR with proposed fix. After understanding the issue reported and analysis made, it is observed that on change of locale (mid-application) all others component labels were update with new locale provided, yet `New Folder` didn't. So if changing Locale mid-application is accepted, then updating the two fields `newFolderString` and `newFolderNextString` in `WindowsFileSystemView` class is required. (Yet other OS classes to be updated too)

I think the user would expect that if they change a string in UIManager, that string is used.

So, previously, the translations for "New Folder" couldn't be changed after `FileSystemView` is initialised. Now it uses whatever string is in `UIManager` when a new folder is created.

With this in mind, the test case could simply put new values to `UIManager` after `JFileChooser` is created and verify that new folders created using the UI that the file chooser provides use the new strings.

> Yet other OS classes to be updated too

Then you should update them.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15069#issuecomment-1671342991

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