Windows 11: Notifications vanishes after few seconds.

Davide Perini perini.davide at
Mon Jan 8 19:30:56 UTC 2024

Thanks for the Answer Aleksei,
I have a lot of Windows apps that uses notifications without problems.

even a simple python program like this works correctly.

from win11toastimport toast

toast('Hello','Click to run python script')

is it possible that Microsoft changed the way how to create 
Notifications in Windows 11 and Java still uses the way
it worked in Windows 7?


Il 08/01/2024 17:59, Aleksei Ivanov ha scritto:
> Hi Davide,
> The bug that you reported has been moved to JDK project in JBS, you 
> can view it as JDK-8315647 [1]. You should've received a link to it.
>> Is there a way to workaround this JDK bug?
>> I opened a bug report months ago but no one answered. 
> What kind of answer did you expect to receive?
> You already asked this question on this mailing list in August [2]. I 
> replied to your question [3]. Nothing has changed since August. It is 
> not a bug in Java because a native Win32 app behaves the same way.
> I compiled and tested the sample [4], it behaves in Windows 11 as Java 
> does: the displayed balloon notification does not go to notification 
> centre. However, if I open notification centre while the balloon is 
> displayed, it remains there. If I disable "Show notification banners" 
> and leave "Show notifications in notification centre" enabled, the 
> balloon goes directly to notification centre without displaying a banner.
> You can compile and test the sample too:
> git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse 
> windows-samples
> cd windows-samples
> git sparse-checkout add 
> Samples/Win7Samples/winui/shell/appshellintegration/NotificationIcon
> Navigate to the NotificationIcon folder and open NotificationIcon.sln 
> in Visual Studio to compile and run it.
> If required, I can attach the compiled version of the application.
> I have closed JDK-8315647 as duplicate of JDK-8310352 [5].
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