RFR: 8316497 : ColorConvertOp - typo for non-ICC conversions needs one-line fix

Renjith Kannath Pariyangad rkannathpari at openjdk.org
Tue Jan 9 05:18:25 UTC 2024

On Mon, 8 Jan 2024 13:53:21 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> I think if condition missed `not (!)` (original code return _true_ if match and _false_ if docent, in Sergey sample `compareImages ` returns _true_ if not match and _false_ if match but `if (compareImages(destTest, destGold))` same. @mrserb hope this observation is correct.
>> I believe Sergey's code in the test is correct. There are two images: `destTest` and `destGold`. The former is produced using the wrapper class, the latter is produced using the ICC color space. The wrapper `TestColorSpace` forwards all the calls to the `ICC_ColorSpace` that it wraps, therefore the transformed images must be *equal* because the applied transforms are absolutely the same.
>> To avoid any confusion, I suggest renaming `compareImages` to `areImagesEqual` which leaves no ambiguity for its return value. I've updated the code in [commit `1788ef6`](https://github.com/aivanov-jdk/jdk/commit/1788ef69958cefef7c65fdf37607f0410b868aff).
>>> Thank to @mrserb and @aivanov-jdk for your time and investigation, this helped to bring up few more issues. What do you suggest to cover these cases ?
>> I'm not sure… We want the filter to take another path, there could be a list of filters applied, if I understand @mrserb correctly. Sergey could be able to provide a more detailed guidance.
>> To avoid any confusion, I suggest renaming `compareImages` to `areImagesEqual` which leaves no ambiguity for its return value. I've updated the code in [commit `1788ef6`](https://github.com/aivanov-jdk/jdk/commit/1788ef69958cefef7c65fdf37607f0410b868aff).
> @Renjithkannath, you can merge the changes I made into your branch using the following command:
> git pull https://github.com/aivanov-jdk/jdk.git renjith/sergey-8316497-colorConvertOp
> The command will merge the changes from the remote branch into your currently checked out branch.

@aivanov-jdk Thank you for sharing the updated code I have merged your changes from the branch and pushed in.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16895#issuecomment-1882425761

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