CodeTools proposal: "friday stats"

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at
Mon Jun 17 23:43:39 PDT 2013


On the related note, do we want to set up the Sonar [1] instance to
analyze OpenJDK codebase? In my experience, _that_ really highlights the
problematic areas.



On 06/17/2013 10:35 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Name: Friday Stats
> Summary: A collection of small custom utilities for analyzing the JDK
> code base.
> Proposed by: Jonathan Gibbons
> Rationale:
> For a while now, some developers on the JDK team have indulged in an
> occasional practice of generating and publishing "Friday stats". These
> are emails, typically on a Friday, containing interesting or useful
> statistics about the OpenJDK code base. The emails are intended to
> highlight issues needing attention and to highlight progress that has
> been made.
> Often, these emails are the result of creating and running small utility
> programs to analyze the code base and related files, like build logs. It
> is proposed that we should publish any such utilities to a new repo
> under the CodeTools umbrella. The goal is to make these utilities more
> widely available to anyone helping in "code cleanup" or reducing
> "technical debt" and to explore the usage of these utilities to provide
> "continuous monitoring" in a CI environment.
> A popular topic for these emails has been the number of warnings
> generated when building OpenJDK, which continues to be an issue, even
> though significant progress has been made on a number of fronts. There
> are three utilities that we would like publish in this area.
> 1. A tool to report on the number of lint and doclint messages found in
> a given set of packages in a project.
> 2. A tool to analyze a build log and categorize the many various
> messages that a generated.
> 3. A simple tool to remove the expected set of "informational" messages
> from a build log, leaving the set of messages that deserve attention.
> The number of such lines is also generated, to facilitate generating a
> trend graph to monitor progress over time.
> More details on these tools will be provided in due course. Although
> these initial utilities are focussed on warnings and other diagnostics
> occurring during an OpenJDK build, the name "Friday stats" is intended
> to be broad enough to include any utilities to generate any statistics
> about OpenJDK that might be of interest to OpenJDK developers while
> working on the OpenJDK code base.code-

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